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the  following night, john was awake again. while a part of me wanted to understand why he was suddenly up and walking around this late, i didn't want him to know three am me.  that version is personal, and emotional. john had to keep him opinion of me, or else he would be offended when i was rude and arrogant again in the morning. so, for the first week, i stayed hidden in the early morning.

but i grew bored just sitting around in my bedroom, as even people with emotions get bored, so one night, i crept out into the living room to play violin about ten minutes before i knew john would get up. 

prediction: he would come into the room, and i wouldn't talk. then he wouldn't have any expectations for the morning. 

but then again, there was the nagging curiosity at the back of my head as to why he was up. what could it possibly be? my deductive brain didn't work at three am, so it was hard to tell. 

as expected, a few minutes later, john walked into the living room.

"what are you doing up?" he asked. 

"i could ask the same of you." 

i cursed myself for saying anything, now he would want to have a conversation. ugh. even delirious me doesn't enjoy social interaction.

john rubbed his nose. "well since mary.. uh.. ya know.. died." here, john paused. blink. blink. "it's gotten hard to sleep. not particularly to fall asleep, as it's been in the past, but rather the nightmares. i can tolerate them in my room, but i figured i might as well get up, right?"

at this point, i just stared at john. what was going on inside his head? now, i had been staring for long enough for this to become a... bit awkward, to say the least.

"well. i'm going for a walk." i said, briskly. 

i don't know why i said it, i didn't really want to go, but three am me can't stand awkwardness, in any situation, i'd learned.

john gave me a funny look. "at two am?" 

at that moment, i realized how stupid i must have sounded. oh well. "yes. problem?" 

"ok, you're either high or insane or both, either way, i don't know how much i trust you to walk outside, much less find your way around. let me come with you." 

"oh, john. high?" i chuckled. "no no. insane? i thought you would have learned this long ago. just stay here, i've been in worse situations than a late night in the scary streets of london." 

"i'm coming with you." 

in that moment, i wish i could have refused. but my willpower was out the window, and my slight worry overran my pride. "right, ok." 

i placed my violin on the kitchen table before grabbing my coat and turning up the collar. this would be a very long night.

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