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and here we were, with our relationship still going strong. a year later then our first kiss, and we are still together. this is the longest i've been in a relationship, but to be fair, my longest was a two hour one in year 1 with a girl named martha, so i am not a very good judge.

we've had quite a bit of fun with our relationship. the first was a lovely day, because i made anderson and donavan absolutely looses their minds.

that day had started with the two of them being assholes. i was examining a body, and john was, apparently, totally giving me love eyes. (what do those even look like? mycroft told me i was looking at john like that, but what does it even mean?) but then-

anderson: john, pretty pointless to have feelings for the freak. bet he's never even snogged anyone.

john: i know for a fact that's not true.

donavan: don't tell me you did? you're not gay, and especially not for the weirdo.

john: bi. ever heard of it?

with that, i turn to lestrade and tell him my *quite* amazing deductions, but he shushes me, wanting to hear the drama. i walk up next to john.

anderson: god, you are being crazy. why the hell would you ever kiss the freak.

john: he's a great kisser. much better then anyone has said you are.

donavan: ha, and i thought you totally had the hots for me. but you're so gay.

john: bi. neither of you are my type. to be fair, bullies have never been my type. or idiots, clearly, judging by my boyfriend's iq. so keep f*cking each other because we all know neither of you can do better.

with that, john took my hand and walked out. we stayed quiet till we were in the cab.

me: did you see their faces?

john: priceless!! and greg was just there laughing in the corner, oh my god.

of course, that was nothing compared to when we told everyone who follows john's blog. i copied it and pasted it below:

in response to those who are wondering if sherlock and i are dating. stop wondering.

(attached was a picture of us kissing)
-- (now back to sherlock's pov oof)

so short and sweet. like john. of course, not everything is suddenly easy. my brain is still shit most of the time, but i've been clean for two weeks, and that is improvement.

life is ok.

(a/n: gah!! sorry that took so long. i've been working on my next story, so you will not need to wait forever for each update. next chapter will be the last of this story!!)

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