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i slowly move my feel, suddenly tired. but whatever, i need to do this. i turn the knob of the door before hearing a creek behind me. damn.

john: i'm not going to stop you from going in there.

i stay quiet for a moment. i want to yell at him, ask him what other choice do i have? and what's so bad about this? but i don't say those things, instead, i turn back to the door and open it, slowly.

john: you said screaming would be better?

me: .. yes.

john: then let's go.

me: where?

john: to a roof!! out in the city!! anywhere away from this stuffy place.

me: ok.

i don't know why i said that, but off we went. what i was thinking; no clue. i didn't know where john was taking me, or how i could get out of it. but here we were, walking through london at 3 in the morning, looking for a roof or something to shout off of. finally, we found a building with a roof i could reach. and up we went. once we go up there, john turned to me, obviously about to ask something, but then-

me: f*ck you, emotions! burn in hell!!

john shouted some, and i did too. we laughed, and it was the most fun i had had in ages. we finally sat down, looking up at the stars. i leaned my head back onto the roof so i was laying down and looked up at john. he was beautiful. and not in the ways of society's conditioning. he was stunning. and not in the ways of just physical beauty, although that was most definitely there. he was beautiful in his being. he just.. worked. perfectly, in my eyes. and that was beautiful.

so i sat up and looked at john the eye to show i wasn't afraid, but my heart was going at an unhealthy rate.

me: does that offer for a kiss still stand?

john leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. out tired bodies slowly moved down so me were laying down, side my side. we broke apart after what felt like decades, but also mere micro seconds all wrapped up in one moment.

i fell asleep looking between john and the stars and the happiest i could possibly be.

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