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our footsteps echoed down the pavement on the street outside. there was next to no one out, and the only people who were around were staggering drunks, disoriented and confused, trying to find their way home. john and i barley spoke as we walked, only uttering a few words to make sure the other still wanted to walk. i wasn't sure where i was going, and i think John was just following along with me, but i had no interest in talking. i kind of wanted john to turn back and go home to leave me in peace, but i also wanted him to stay because, despite how so called brave i was in the day, this version me was quite afraid of walking alone. it was all fine and dandy until john decided to start a conversation. "so, why were you awake anyway?" 

"i never really sleep. it's an unnecessary bodily function, and i can get away by only getting 3 hours of it."

he looked shocked. "sherlock, you only get three hours of sleep? that's terrible for you!"

"well, i'm not dead yet." i shrugged. 

at this point, john rolled his eyes. i could tell i didn't seem too different from in the day, and thank god for that. or "god" as i should say. sorry if you get offended by that, but it's the pure and simple truth. 

fact: god is just a human hope so they don't have to deal with their depressing little lives.

"have you tried going to sleep earlier?" he asked. 

now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"yes, obviously."

"well then." 

we went in silence again for another few blocks. taxis drove past and the occasional person walked by. some lady winked at john, or maybe it was me, but i don't really care.

"so are we just going to do this?" he gestured vaguely toward the air surrounding us. 

"do what?"

"walk in complete silence."

he was being stupid. "well, what would you suggest?" 

"talk," john paused in thought, "maybe about things that are, you know, harder to talk about in the morning." 

"harder to... talk about." i scoffed at the idea.

"well, yes. kind of like a therapy session." 

"opening up."

"kind of, well, yes." 

this whole idea was idiotic. walking around out here with john was idiotic. i had been idiotic for wasting my own precious time of being human with going out. 

"ok," i finally responded.

john just followed me as i turned around and briskly walked home. 

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