Keep Calm and Love a Jaeger Pilot <3

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I'M SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O I absolutely have been kicking myself in the butt about not updating sooner and there is NO excuses for that but here it is, I got back on where I was working, now I have to get up at 5am to get ready but it's more money and I have the rest of my day to myself, so it's nice-ish XD.. On top of end of term homework for college and trying to get over my writers block, it's been a long month! But I have renewed my writing spirit and I will be updating better! I promise! I LOVE YOU DEDICATED AWESOME READERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

DISCLAIMER: I only own Lieutenant Lila Yale and my own twist on the Pacific Rim story, thanksies!! :D

    The sensations I felt were some of the most realistic feelings imaginable.

    I felt fear.

    I felt love.

    I felt anger.

    I felt content.

    I felt sadness.

    I felt my Jaeger die.

    And it nearly tore me to pieces.

    I felt all those feeling swirling inside the darkness that was my mind until I felt something different, more physical.

    A shaking, head being ripped back and forth.

    I was being shaken.

    “Lila?” The voice rang with recognition through my head.

    “Come on, wake up babe.” I pulled myself towards that voice and away from the feeling of my Jaeger slowly dying.

    “Raleigh?” I croaked, not knowing my voice would be so rough.

    My eyes were still shut, and I felt my body tucked tight against someone else’s. When I said Raleigh’s name, the person who was holding me tightened their arms around me, sighing audibly.

    “No- No, it‘s Chuck.” I pried one of my eyes open, blinking a few times before I looked directly up at the face leaning over mine.

    “Chuck?” I asked, not hiding my surprise.

    “Where‘s-?” My heart jumped when I realized that the first person I had asked for wasn’t in the room, it was actually completely void of people, except for us.

    “What‘s going on?” I asked, trying to sit up.

    My back was propped against Chuck’s chest and he was leaning back on the bed I was stretched across. The air seemed to go everywhere but my lungs and I was struggling to get enough air just to talk. My whole body ached, especially my head. On it’s own accord, my head fell back on Chuck’s shoulder.

    He reached a hand up and touched my forehead with his whole palm, the coolness of it feeling extremely hot on my skin.

    “Where‘s Glory?” I pipped up, my saliva wetting my throat enough for me to talk again.

    “She‘s gone, Lila.”

    I jolted up painfully, immediately grabing my head in my hands. I knew that she was gone. I really did. But to hear someone say it…

    “What-?” I tried to ask what happened but my throat closed u pfor a whole new reason.

    “After you ejected, your Jaeger got hit by one of the bombs, blew her to pieces. The force of the blow took out Leatherback but the other, Otachi, slipped away. They sent a team out to retrieve your pod at the same time they deployed Gipsy Danger.” Chuck explained, swinging his legs over the bed and watching me closely.

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