1. Accidentally Coming Out (Smut)

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Song is Coming Out by Ally Hills

I decided I would start this book off with a bang, so there will be a... Shall we say... Lengthy (giggles) smut at the end!

Also: profanity! Do not read if you do not approve or it is against your religion or stuff!

Keith's Pov

I win the training battle and let Shiro and Lance train. Hunk hands me a glass of water and I watch as my friends train. I end up watching Lance, mostly. How he moved in response to Shiro's commands. How his sexy ass- No! Stop it! Occasionally I would shout tips at the cute olive-skinned boy. Cute?! Why the hell did I say he was cute?! I'm not gay for Lance! I mean, I'm gay, but not for that idiot! Am I?

"Umm... End training program," I looked up. Shiro, Hunk and, worst of all, Lance, were looking at me as if I had randomly turned Galra and sprouted another head.

"Fuck. Did I say that aloud?" I asked. Lance nodded. I shouted in frustration and ran out of the room. My face burns with embarrassment. Foot steps echo behind me. I sprint to my room, still sweating from training, and freaking out the whole time. I slam my door behind me, locking it and fall to my knees.

"Fuck fuck fuck why did I say that aloud?!" I yell at myself. I cry for a while, mentally hitting myself repeatedly. Of god oh god Lance must hate me! Wait why do I care so much? Maybe... Maybe I do have a crush on him... A knock on the door snaps me from my thoughts.

"Keith? Keith its okay we accept you!" Shiro says and I begin to shake. He's only saying that to lure me out of here!

I hear whispering on the other side and I scramble back and against the bedside table. I curl up as small as I can make myself, still shaking.

"Keith! Keith please come out! We really and truly accept you! I know I do!" Lance yells, almost screams, and my eyes widen. The door knob rattles furiously. Do they really? What if Allura and Coran don't? Pidge? Why am I an idiot?! I still don't answer and continie shaking.

My door crashes to the ground, almost on my feet and I shriek. I hide my head in my arms. Footsteps come closer and I shake harder. The person, most likely Lance, kneels down next to me.

"Keith?" He ask softly, pulling at my wrists to uncover my face. I resist. He pulls harder and I fail, both of us falling back, me on top of him. My hands are on either side of his head, my knees on either side of his waist. Both us wear a shocked expression. A blush covers my entire face. Lance's face softens and he leans up. His soft lips touch mine and I jerk back in shock. His tan face saddens and he looks away.

"If you dont like me then get off..." He says sadly. With one of my hands, the other propping me up, I turn his head back up and kiss him lightly, but passionately. This time, its his turn to be surprised, however he still kisses me back. I lean back and sit on his waist, my hands proping me up on his chest.

"But... I thought you were straight?" I question.

"Nope. Bi," he responds simply and I nod slowly.

"Do you... Ya know... Like me back?" I ask. He nodded, leaning up to kiss me again. The kiss is short and sweet and soft, it's perfect. He breaks it and lays back on the ground.

"Does this mean... We're you know... Together?" I ask awkwardly. He nods and hugs me to him. I smile and hug him back.

*Hello everyone. It is now after hours. Please go to bed. We have lots more training tomorrow.* Allura tells us from the intercom. Lance yawns loudly and we stand up.

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