11. Alone (Angst)

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Also... This is Shklance. Shiro+Keith+Lance. I low-key ship it. Fite me. Comment if you want more Shklance.

Btw there is a lot of Pov switching plus this one is going to be really long.

No Pov

He was captured. The blue Paladin of Voltron was sitting in a cell. Alone. His armor had been taken, clothes too, his helmet had been tossed out into the black abyss of space so he couldn't be tracked. His lion was presumably ditched on a small planet. He had nothing.

Lance's Pov

I was sitting alone. I never sat alone. I always had someone. Someone with me, to lift my spirit up. Either I was wit Hunk or Pidge, my two best buds, laughing and joking around, or I was with my two perfect boyfriends, Keith and Shiro.

So why was I alone now?

We were on a mission. Me, Keith, Shiro, Hunk, and Pidge. We were in our lions, flying to rescue a planet of small pillow-esque people from the Galra empire. Everything was fine, but a Galra battle cruiser showed up and we were forced to form Voltron. But something went wrong, and I was captured by the Galra. It was a blur, I can't remember how or why.

All I remember is Keith and Shiro, screaming my name as pain overwhelmed me, and suddenly all I can think about are them. They are perfect. For each other. Why did I ever think I could hop in and ruin that? I mean, I have no use. I am just a stupid, flirty, annoying boy. And besides... Lately they have been avoiding me, and whispering about me behind my back. I think they hate me...

After hours of crying, my thoughts are disrupted by the door creaking open, light flooding my eyes, and a tall figure stepping into the room. Was I saved?

Keith's Pov

"Shiro. He's gone," We had searched the castle. There was no sign of our sharpshooter, or even the blue lion. Shiro stared at me with a pained expression, while I assumed I looked like I wanted to sob. I could already feel warm, salty tears dripping down my flushed cheeks. I just wanted our Lance back.

"Go... Go search his room again, he has to be there... I'll get Coran to search for his lion..." Shiro sounded stressed. Above all else, he was sad, and lonely. And even though we had each other, we needed Lance back. He was what kept us calm and sane. Voltron needed him, the whole universe needed him...

I needed him.

I followed Shiro's orders, sprinting to Lance's room, hoping he would be there. But he wasn't. I searched everywhere in that tiny room. The closet, under the covers, even under all of the messy clothes on his floor. Nothing. The last place I looked was under his bed. There was nothing of significance underneath, nothing but a small journal. The cover read "Dear Mama." It was probably a journal to his mother about all of our adventures. I opened to the first page.

Dear Mama,
Today is... Well I have some things to tell you. So... Me, Hunk, Pidge, Shiro and Keith found something. Shiro as in Takashi Shirogane, my idol, we saved him from the Garrison. We, as in me and Keith Kogane. My other idol! Remember Mama, my crush from the Garrison?
Well... That something we found was a giant lion robot! It let me pilot it, but I only sat in the seat, and it took off. We landed on a weird planet with a giant castle on it. Turns out there is an alien race called the Alteans. They are really nice. But there are also people called the Galra, and they are not nice...Now we have to save the universe!

Dear Mama,
Today we fought a giant robot lizard guy! He was trying to kill off a bunch of rock people and their planet, which is apparently a creature called the Balmera! Isn't that interesting?

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