14. I Can't Live Without You (Angst)

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Sitting alone next to a grave with a bottle of whiskey and a pistol is no fun, to say the least. Sitting six feet above the corpse of your lover doesn't help.

Lance died in battle. Lotor killed him. I killed Lotor after, and we went back home. To Earth that is. We buried Lance next to my shack, and we rebuilt the rest of house for me, Shiro, Adam, Allura, and Coran to live in.

After we finished the house I buried my sorrows in a bottle whiskey and never dug them out. I can't live without him. I love him to much.

Sighing, I look down at my gun. Running my thumb over the trigger, I glance at the gravestone in front of me.

What would he say? 

'You are pathetic.' 

'Move on already.'


'Join me.'

I grab the gun and hold it closer to me so I can see the engraved massage.

'I love you Keith, Lance.'

He gave it to me weeks before he died. In case I needed to shoot someone. He taught me how to fire a gun, when we were in the Garrison. That moment was magical, as cheesy as it sounds.

Taking a swig of whiskey straight from the bottle, I stare down the barrel of the gun. Sighing again, my finger on the trigger and....


My heart stops and my eyes close. A smile on my face as every drop of life drains from my brusied and broken body.

I open my eyes and a blinding white light is all I see. Taking the time to blink the bright light from my vision, I stand up and look around. I'm in a bed, it's not mine. Whistling catches my attention and in a tune that Lance only knew, the sharp noise draws me out of the soft blankets and downstairs into a kitchen. In front of me stands a man at the sink, his arms soaked and soapy bubbles to his elbows. The tan male is whistling as he does the dishes and as he moves to put a plate into the washer he catches my eye.

"Hello Samurai, I was wondering when you'd wake up," He says and i run at him, wrapping my arms around the skinnier man. He laughs and wraps his arms around me too, forgetting the bubbles and effectively soaking my shirt.

"Lance, I missed you so much," I sigh and breath in his scent.

"I missed you too beautiful,"

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