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So Why Did Lance Get An Invisibility Cloak In S6E3?

Lance is the loud, flirty, ‘razzle-dazzle’ type, he begs for attention. The invisibility cloak is the total opposite of that. Why would he get an item that is the polar opposite of his personality?

Well, throughout the series, Lance is seen with his mental health dwindling and slowly distancing himself from everyone else. He sees himself as useless and ordinary, not good enough. It is obvious he feels like the extra wheel, with all his friends, and even Voltron. Hunk and Pidge have each other, Shiro and Keith are basically brothers, and Allura and Lotor in season six. He feels like he isn't needed. It shows, he has mentioned stepping down from Voltron.

At one point in the late series, he says to the team, “Don't you guys have better time to do? Like, I don't know, universe defending stuff?” Lance seems to forget he is a Paladin, like he doesn't contribute to the team. His emotions and his doubt have been building up with each season.

There is substantial proof that he is not emotionally okay. It begins with him feeling like a seventh wheel and offering his resignation. Other then that, there is no visible proof, but we all know it's their. He is always trying to get Shiro’s approval,  and one up Keith. My theory is that he is looking for approval and acceptance, trying to make himself feel useful. The happy-go-lucky Lance we are shown, is not what he really feels.

In season six, he says a lot more that shows he is losing confidence in himself. When talking to Allura, “I have nothing to offer,” and “... As someone who makes a lot of mistakes,” he clearly doesn't see he is important.

The only one who actively knew about Lance's insecurities are Keith, who left almost immediately afterwards. Lance probably thinks Keith hates him.

We see him spending less and less time with anyone. He is suffering so much, but doesn't let anyone know. The only time he did try to get help, he got a teammate leaving him. He isn't showing his true emotions. That is why he receives a freakin’  invisibility cloak, because he is hiding his true self.

This is just a theory, but I'm seriously worried for my baby Lance.

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