3. Having a Cat For a Boyfriend (Fluff)

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Based off of SasuLeahs video Otayuri* Having a Cat Boyfriend (video above)

I love their channel and their videos go check them out!!

3rd person Pov

"Keith," Lance watched as the smaller Galra boy sitting next to him lightly pushed the vase to the edge of the table. Keith stared up innocently at Lance. Pidge grinned in the corner. Keith drew back his hand and Lance smiled. "See, how easy was that?" Keith's hand quivered before pushing the vase again. Lance smile dropped. "Keith. No." His firm voice just made the smaller boy grin. With a sweeping motion the vase was gone, on the floor and shattered. He giggled.

"God dammit Keith that's the 15th vase this week!" Shiro complained from the other couch. He then turned to the Cuban boy. "And Lance its your boyfriend, your job to keep him from breaking vases!"

"Its not my fault he's basically a cat!" Lance protested. Keith stepped over Lance, stepping on his hip. Lance groaned in pain. The catlike boy the turned around and sat crosslegged on his boyfriends lap, doing so in the most uncomfotable way possible. Lance groaned loudly, Keith only giggled.

"Its the most comfortable place in the house," he reasoned.

Lance sighed and cuddled his boyfriend. Pidge 'awwed' from her lap top.

Time skip

"Hey Keith," Lance walked up to his boyfriend, who was sitting on the floor, hair brush in hand. He was brushing out his mullet. Lance sat behind him and rubbed his shoulders. "Whatcha doing?"

"Brushing my hair duh," the smaller boy said. Lance smiled and kissed Keith's neck, making him freeze. The taller boy stood up.

"Well, I'm going to go train and take a shower," Lance said and walked away. Keith sat for a moment and dropped the brush.

Pidge, who had been watching from behind the door, giggled. 'Lance I think you broke Keith...' She thought.

The End

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