12. Invisible (Angst)

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WARNING: Depression, Angst. Do not read if you will be triggered and do not read if you don't want your heart broken.

This one-shot is pretty short like Pidg- ah fuck now I'm gonna get beat up by a gremlin. Dang it. Welp, see you guys in Hell. 


This one-shot is based off of my last A/N.

Lance's Pov

I was alone in my room. I attached another special rock onto my ceiling. They glowed slightly, and when arranged properly, they could look like the summer sky, back on Earth.

I sigh, my heart filled with doubt and homesickness. I miss my mama, and my papa. I miss painting my little sisters nails, and hugging my older sister when another boy broke her heart. I miss baking with my mama, and hunting with my papa. I miss doing puzzles with my abuela, I miss dropping my brothers off at school, and being late for school. Hell, I even miss my teachers yelling at me because of my ADHD. (That I told nobody. I was supposed to be a normal child. I couldn't have all these problems...)

I sigh again and collapse back onto my bed, staring at the near perfect replica of the July sky of Cuba. I hold up a picture of that sky and compare the two. I smile sadly and nod, a tear leaking from the apex of my eye.

A knock on my door interrupts my visible homesickness. In less then a second, my suitable persona was replacing me, a cheerful, happy teenage boy. "Come in," I called, and the door slid open to reveal my long-time crush and rival, Keith Kogane. I blushed lightly but didn't let it show. 

"Hey Lance, you are lacking in training. What if you get someone hurt?" He glares. I frown and feel my heart break. 

"I'm sorry... I'll start training more..." I replied, looking down at my lap. Keith doesn't reply, just stares at my ceiling.

"Is... Is that the night sky? From back on Earth?" He asks and my heart clutches.

"Uhh... Yeah... The Cuban July sky..." A tear leaks from my eye. Keith looks back down at me and frowns. 

"Lance, what's wrong?" He questions as he steps forward. Keith sits next to me on my bed, reaching his hand out to my arm, before just dropping it. 

"Nothing, just homesick, ya know, the usual," I laugh it off. He looks at me for a minute or two longer, before standing up. 

"Well, dinner is ready, and if you want to join me for some extra training then I'm free to spar or something," He offers and starts walking out. 

I smile and nod. "Thanks. I might take you up on that training. I'll definitely beat you this time!" I call out to his retreating back. He turns and smiles before walking out of view. The door closes and my facade shatters and I collapse onto my bed, sobbing. After I cry for a few minutes, I wipe my tears away and use a little make-up that I "borrowed" from Allura to cover up the visible tear tracks and the dark bags under my eyes. Then I go to the dining room. 

"Sorry about that guys, just had to go feed Kalternecker," I grin, and sit at my seat. Hunk serves me some of his special space spaghetti. I found I could only poke at it and wiggle around in my seat. 


I couldn't help but blush lightly and watch Lance wiggle in his seat, his hips shaking and even sometimes bouncing as he couldn't hold himself still. I assumed he just had to much energy, but there might also be chance for other things to be going on with him. Like ADD, or ADHD. I knew the signs but Lance was only hinting at a few of them, so I couldn't be sure. 

Back to Magical Lance's Pov

"Lance, you okay?" Shiro asked, giving me the famous dad side-eye. I glance up and nod, a little to quickly. 

"Yeah, of course Shiro. Just not hungry right now," I answer, my classic shit-eating grin on my face. 

Shiro frowns, but decides not to push it. I'm grateful of it, I felt I was gonna scream at them if they kept pushing my patience. Jeez... and I thought Keith was the one with anger issues. 

After dinner me and Keith went to train. We decided to train against each other, in a one-vs-one battle. But I couldn't concentrate. 

What if you get someone hurt?

You're just a fuck-up!

No one loves you!

Just stand down from Voltron. They don't need you!

"Lance? Lance?!" Keith shakes me out a small trance and I glance back up into his eyes. Genuine worry shimmers in his pupils and his eyebrows are furrowed. "Lance... What were you thinking about?" 

"Oh.. just home. God I want to go back," I smile weakly, "But now is not the time for that. Let's continue training." I grab my bayard and smile happily at Keith. 

'Lance. Remember to hide your emotions. Let them be invisible to their eyes. Be happy. Even if you aren't.' My dad's voice echos through my mind. 

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