9. Nervous (Smut)

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Credit to @ Jilliancares on Tumblr

Summary: Keith and Lance are dating but Keith's really nervous about their first kiss (and then not so nervous about what comes after it).

Word Count: 4.2k

Genre: Fluff and smut

Keith and Lance were dating, not that anybody would be able to guess it. Keith wouldn't even know they were dating if Lance hadn't sauntered into his room at three in the morning a few weeks ago, drunk off space juice, and demanded to know if he would be Lance's boyfriend. More shocked than anything else, Keith had stuttered out a yes. He did like Lance after all, but he hadn't realized that Lance felt the same way, nor that he'd picked up on Keith's feelings.

But Keith was nervous around Lance. He could hardly help it, how jumpy and anxious he felt around the other boy. He guessed it made sense-he was completely inexperienced, had barely even imagined dating someone before, and Lance was chock-full of experience. When Keith had asked, he'd admitted to having kissed plenty of girls before, and even having sex, but never dating any of them. This made Keith even more nervous. His boyfriend was experienced, not a virgin, and likely expecting a whole lot from him. Keith hadn't even worked up the courage to kiss Lance yet!

It was going to be his first kiss, and while Keith had high expectations, he was also scared and self-conscious beyond belief. He was afraid that he was going to be absolutely horrible at it, and that Lance would maybe grimace, or worse-tell him that he'd get better with practice. Keith would die of embarrassment!

Lance had tried to kiss him a couple of different times already, but Keith had found excuses and ways to escape each time. He could still remember the serious expression Lance's face had took on, and the way he'd leaned closer and closer. Keith had just froze up, and only millimeters away from Lance had his body began working again, enough for him to jump to his feet and stutter something about Hunk having left the stove on.

"Are you scared of kissing?" Lance had asked him one afternoon. They'd been holed up together in Lance's room, with Keith on the chair by the desk, a book on his lap, and Lance lounging on his bed. Being alone with Lance made Keith nervous too, but he still liked it. He was fine, too, as long as they were approximately this distance from each other.

"What? No!" Keith had snapped, hastily flipping the page of his book and feeling flustered. He hadn't even finished reading the last page.

"Because it's okay if you are. Or if you don't even want to at all. I'm just happy being your boyfriend."

"Of course I want to!" Keith had hissed. He felt like they had to keep their voices down, if only because it was such an embarrassing topic to talk about, to say out loud. It wasn't as if the rest of the team didn't know they were dating. He and Lance had told them almost a week ago, and everyone had been wonderfully happy for them. There'd been back slaps (Shiro, Coran), hugs (Allura, Pidge), and a first bump (Hunk). But, again, nobody would've been able to guess it if they hadn't decided to share the information themselves.

"Okay," Lance had said easily. "I'll leave it up to you then. Whenever you want to do it, we can." While Lance thought he was doing the kind and noble thing, he was really just making Keith's life that much harder. Now he would have to be the one to initiate their first kiss. He could barely even initiate hand holding!

And they did hold hands. Occasionally. Usually only when they were alone together, on the rare occasions that Lance persuaded Keith to read his book next to him on his bed. Keith had almost been afraid that Lance would make a move, but instead he'd just reached out to hold his hand, his thumb occasionally stroking over Keith's.

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