Situation update

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Sadly i might not be able to get the next chapter out for a while. Im going away for 2 weeks (camping holiday) and i dont know if i will be able to get any updates out until i get back. I just wanted to give you guys a heads up.

That being said i may use the time to possibly go over this story and plan out some other stories that i am thinking about giving a shot. Ill probably try writing out a rough version of them and see if theres any long term potential behind them before i think about uploading them though.

And Im sorry to disappoint everyone who was expecting this to be a new chapter but i felt i needed to let you guys know instead of leaving you in the dark.

If you guys have any questions feel free to ask.

Slightly off topic update:
I just found out my story is ranked #883 in fanfic so um.....FUCK YEAH!

EDIT 19/08/2017: Im not dead, just ran into a few problems it should hopefully be ready soon!

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