Chapter 23

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Chapter 23
~Jesse's point of view~
*This is before Jesse knows about the car crash. It is a few hours before.*

Joey drove Mikey and I to Powerhouse Fitness. Jaelyn wanted to meet us there because she had went to see her parents.

Joey pulled into the parking lot. Even at the gym early, it was packed. When we walked in Mae was in the ring showing off. People cheered her on.

"This fight is gonna be so easy! I'll never know how they could let some newbie make it this far. Maybe they just like seeing me beat the shit out of people." Mae sniggered as she wiped the sweat off of herself with a towel.

Anger filled my body. How could someone be so cocky? "Mae why don't you shut your big mouth. You're all talk. Jaelyn will not be an easy fight."

There were mumurs of agreement in the crowd. Mae stepped out of the ring towards me. Her face was inches apart. "Then were the fuck is she? You'd think since the fight start in fifteen minutes she would be here. But I guess not. She's a coward."

I inhaled sharply. I knew I needed to keep my cool because Mae liked watching people squirm. "Like always you're just all talk."

Mae pulled at the collar of my shirt, pulling us close. Her face even closer now. "You wouldn't have said that last summer. Don't even try denying it because you know that that is the truth."

I grab her hand and rip it off my shirt. She takes a step back, startled. "I might not have said it then, but I sure as hell was thinking it."

Mikey and Joey stood beside me shocked. They never really knew I was hooking up with Mae last summer. They knew I was but never who it was.

It had been fourty-five minutes and Jaelyn still hadn't shown up. Her phone was gling straight to voicemail. Jaelyn wouldn't back down from this. It's all she's worked for. Something had to be wrong.

Joey went back to the apartment to see if Jaelyn was still there. Mikey and I stayed at the gym. My phone started buzzing. It was a call for Jaelyn's mother.

I answered the phone. "Jesse, there was an accident. Jaelyn is in the emergency room. The ambulance just took her out of her car."

"I'll be there." I put my phone back in my pocket and headed over to the official.

"Excuse me, Jaelyn won't be at the fight. She was in an accident."

The official nodded, making his way over to Mae. I went over to Mikey. "Dude, Jae was in a car crash. Call and Uber we gotta go. Text Joey and tell him to us there.

The Uber ride to the hospital was maddening. I was worried sick about her. I was doing my best to keep everything inside, to keep everything bottled up.

Once we got to the hospital, Jaelyn's parents and Joey and Lacy were waiting for us. Joey had his arms wrapped around Lacy, comforting her. He also had a stuffed bear in his possession.

Mikey and I made our way towards them. "How is she?"

"The doctors haven't told us much." Jaelyn's father told us as he took a long sip from his coffee.

We went to the waiting room and sat there for a couple of hours. A young doctor came in and pulled her parents aside. I didn't pay attention because I was lost in thought.

I was used to being in hospitals. I hated them. I used to go with my mom whenever she was severely hurt from my father. I had spent countless night here with her. I even recognized some of the nurses walking around the hospital.

It didn't look like they recognized me which was probably for the best. I looked over at my friends. They were on their phones scrolling through social media. After what felt like hours, we were finally able to go in Jaelyn's room.

Jaelyn was in the hospital bed asleep. She was attached to many wires. Her arms were covered in stitches. She still had a little blood on her forehead. She looked peaceful in the bed.

This reminded me of the time I stayed overnight in the hosptial with my mom before my dad pushed her over the edge. She was staying overnight because she had broken her arm so bad that the doctors had to perform a sugery.

My father had broken her arm because she let his dinner get cold because she was busy helping me. I was about six or seven. I was riding my bike around the yard and I had fallen off of my bike and crashed into the gravel driveway. My knees were a bloody mess, along with the palms of my hands. She helped me disinfect my wounds and bandage them up.

At the time, I didn't know that what my father had done was as terrible as it was. I knew it was bad but I just didn't know how bad. I was young, so I thought all husbands did that to their wives which is pretty sickening.

Mikey brought me back from my childhood memories. "Mate, you alright?"

"Yeah," I told him as I cleared my throat.

Mikey patted my back. "Uh, would anyone like some coffee? I can go down and get some."

Lacy hadn't spoken in a few hours until now. "Just get me some expresso please."

Mr. James shook his head. "You stay," He said as he looked at Mikey, "I will go and get some coffee for everyone. I need to walk and get some air."

"Hospitals aren't your cup of tea, eh?" Mikey asked as he sat down in an uncomfortable looking chair.

"I just don't like seeing loved ones in a hopsital bed hooked up to wires." Mr. James said as he walked out of the room.

Mrs. James looked at the four of us and smiled. "Jaelyn is lucky to have people like you in her life. I don't know how you all endured these long hours in her just to see if she was okay. Thank you, for being such amazing friends."

Before anyone could say anything, Lacy pulled her into a hug. "We're lucky to have her in our lives."

We all nodded in agreement. We were lucky to have her in our lives. I know I am. She has helped me get through some heavy shit in my life. Well, she still is.

I'm sure that if I never ended up meeting her that Joey and Mikey would have helped me in some way, but wouldn't have been as effective.

I leaned up against the wall, waiting for Jaelyn to wake up. I waited for what felt like hours, until her green eye fluttered open.

So what do you think?? I'm trying to update nore frequently! Hope you guys like it. I'm trying to make things a little different than usual. Did you like having more of an insight to Jesse's childhood? Please make sure to vote and comment. Feel free to message me at anytime! I'd love to have some feedback or just message me about anything!Love you guys!! Thank you for all the support and love.

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