Chapter 1: First Day

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It was a Monday morning, August 14 2016, the start of a new world for Mara Bianca Mendoza as she enters freshmen year at Micanoria High School. All the pressure is inside of her, and all she could think about was who would be her classmates this school year!


Mara's POV:

Omagash! Im actually a freshmen, holy crap, what am I gonna do??

The pressure is actually on Ms. Mara Mendoza! You have to step up your game this time! Give your 100000000% in this school! You can do it!

Oh.. who am I kidding!? What the f**ck, I'm doomed! What am I gonna do? This is freaking high school! I don't think I'm ready!

(Immediately texts her friend, Mikaela)

Mara: Mikaela! I can't do this alone, please, lets go to class together, I'm freaking panicking right now!

Mikaela: Haysh! Your just worrying about nothing, its gonna be ok, we'll face our new classes together! Me, you, and Kaela(her twin sister :)

Mara: ok, Ill text you when I'm on my way there :)

Mama and Papa: Honey, can you please stop worrying too much! We know you can do it!

Mara: Uh.. I don't know, nervousness is taking over me.

Mama: Worried about what? Your grades? Oh come on Mara! You'll do just fine!:)

Papa: Yup, even more when people find out you were Valedictorian during elementary! Let them beware of the intelligence of Mara Bianca Mendoza! The greatest of them all!

Mara: Whatever you two, I can't think properly right now!

I came to school really early hoping that only a few students would show up, but I was wrong.. Almost the whole population of the school is already there! With all the anxiety that's slowly building up, I told papa to drop me at the library instead which was still off campus so that I could take a breather for a while.

I don't know if I could handle all the staring that's gonna happen around me. I'll just text the twins to meet me here at the library.

Me: Hey guys, um.. I'm at the library now. Just meet me here instead then we will go inside the campus together. #anxietyattack

Kaela: Sure thing, just meet us outside the library, were on our way. :)

I don't know why, but I feel like I'm so dependant with my friends. Without them, I think I might have skipped the first day of school because of my anxiety attacks. Anyways, 5 minutes later the twins arrived for my salvation :)

You can tell that they were excited, Mikaela had a new backpack with her, which matched the color of her new hair. While Kaela had a brand new mint backpack while carrying a binder with cat pictures on it. #catlover

Mikaela: So, lets go!

Me: O gosh, is this really happening? As soon as we step into that school, we will be different people, different human beings, more mature, grown woman!

Kaela: Neh, more like immature teenage girls that made it pass 8 years of elementary and middle school and now has to deal with another 4 years of studying, wopee! How nice!😏

Me: whatever! Lets just get this over with (takes a deep breath) let's do this!

7:40 am. That was the exact time we made it to our first class, English Reading and Writing. Honestly, we were pretty chill walking to our first class, but as soon as we stood in front of its door, my nerves were popping like crazy!

Me: oh.. guys I cant do this!

Mikaela: Come on Mara, were already here so might as well get in there! You'll be fine.

And so we did, I let Kaela open the door and as soon as we entered, all eyes were on us! Like literally, I wanted to act normal, but everyone in the room could tell I was hella nervouse!

When I took my seat, I noticed some very familiar faces around me.

Mccdi: Hey! Mara! Your here too! I guess were all classmates!

It was my old grade mates at elementary! I can't believe it! Mccdi, Rose, Draigo, and Siera were all there! That's when I felt a little more comfortable. And sooner, from being the quietest one in class, I became one of the loudest ones 😶



Thanks for reading!❤

(Major editing has begun.👀- Hannah, 2018)

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