Chapter 2: Zachary❤

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Obviously I got his name from Zac Efron😅#inspiration. Ok continue on with the story. Since you guys met Mara and the twins already, its time you all should meet her crush at first sight, Zachary John Heuson. Also knows as, Mr. Perfect.


Zac's POV:

"Monday morning rain is falling"🎶
Damn, why does school have to start so soon! (Morning alarm rings) ok I'm up, I'm up!

Mom: Zac breakfast is ready!

I went down the stairs to see Mom preparing our breakfast, oh.. and Kuya Roger chatting with his 3rd girlfriend of this week.

Mom: Honey you want eggs or pancakes?

Me: Ill just have pancakes mom.

Roger: uh.. this girl's a feisty one! Hey Zac, ready for school today? I got many girls who'd love to meet you!

Me: No thanks Kuya, that's not my priority right now. I have to focus on school and entering the varsity team for basketball remember?

Roger: Bro, seriously! You don't need to try hard enough, everyone knows your amazing in basketball! Of cource, I mean I, your brother, the captain of the varsity team, is living proof that our family has "basketball genes".

Zac: Whatever kuya! I'm just gonna go eat my breakfast.

Honestly, people say me and Kuya are complete opposites, and I can't agree more! Sad to say but I describe him as a playboy. One day his with this girl, then the following day with a new one!😐

As for me, I never had a girlfriend in my life. Maybe a few crushes here and there, but I never entered a relationship. Even if my friends force me to, I just don't feel like any of those girls are the ONE!

7:15, I finally left our house and went to school. For now Kuya's driving since I'm still too young to get a licence.

Roger: Hey bro, good luck on your first day! Hope you meet a cute girl in class😉

Me: (steps out of the car) Thanks Kuya, but don't expect too much.. as I said, not my PRIORITY!😐

Roger: Sige na nga. Go to your class.

I made it to my first class, English Reading and Writing, there I saw Tino "Martin" my old classmate from the school I went to before.

Martin: Huy! Zac! Now wouldn't you think of that, were still classmates until now!

Me: Oh..Tino!😂 I guess so.

To be honest, Martin isn't really that "punctual". He's more of like a "Procrastinator" and I'd use to help him do all his homework back then. I'm hoping it won't continue on now that were in high school.😐

Anyways, when I entered the class asides from Martin's face, there weren't that many people yet... I guess I came a bit early😏

It was now 7:40, people started to enter the classroom door. And none of them looked familiar.

Then.....3 girls came into class. The 2 looked like twins, but then.. HER! I don't know how to describe the feeling, but all I know was that when she came in, she gave my heart a little bit of a sharp sting!😍

I could tell she was nervous, she was constantly frazzled by her surroundings, which I find pretty cute.😅 And then she starts to get a little loud, which I find to be even more attractive.😶

I wonder who she is, I feel like I've seen her before but.. wait.. should I introduce myself first or..(teacher starts to speak)


HELLO HELLO! I guess you guys met "Mr. PERFECT" already😁 And I know what your thinking.. he had the "Crush at First Sight" on Mara didn't he?!😆 Well.. yah..but their story doesn't end there😉 More updates to come.

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