Chapter 9: Double Accomplished

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Last chapter.. Zac almost told Mara the truth about what he feels for her. Don't worry guys, the time will come. Confession Day will be the best. Patience😌. Anyways, today's the day! But wait, there's a twist😆..



Holy crap! Today's the day! We, the Micanoria Scholastic Team, have been preparing non stop for this! The sleepless nights, time management, and constantly stuffing our brains with as much knowledge as possible will finally be tested. We didn't do all this just to end up loosing!😎 Were gonna win this!

Its a Sunday morning. The decathlon will start at 1, and all I've been doing is meditating and constantly praying for a successful day.

"Lord God, please, please help our team. Help each and every one of us to be prepared and ready. But most importantly please remind us to just enjoy and savor the moment. I know.. you brought us here for a reason, I will do this in your name my lord.. and i...-"

(Interrupted by my phone ringing)

Me: Hello?😑

Unknown #: Hey, Mara its Ethan.😊

Me: Oh.. Ethan😅 how'd you get my number?

Ethan: I got it from Mikaela. Um.. did I disturb you?

Me: Ha?!😅 um.. not really I was just saying a prayer.

Ethan: Sh*t.. sorry sorry.. continue it. Just call me back when your done.

Me: No no, its fine. God already heard enough of my worries.😁 So.. why did you call?

Ethan: Ah..well I'm nervous.😅 Just wanted to chat a little. I've entered so many academic contests but this decathlon is amongst the few that I can't help but feel nervous about.

Me: Lol! Its ok! Me too. Pray ka lang. Believe me, that really helps😊.

Ethan: Thank. I will surely do.

(Hears loud footsteps running to my room)

Kaela: Mara!!!!!!!!!!

Ethan: (on the phone) Wow.. who's that?

Me: 😂 Kaela.

Ethan: Oh.. ok I'll just see you later then.😊 Bye.

Me: K bye..(hangs up)

Mikaela: Who was that?

Me: Ethan.. thanks for giving my number to him without informing!😑

Mikaela: Hehe.. sorry.😅 I thought it wouldn't be a big deal. (Side eye)

Kaela: (checks her phone) Um.. guys....the basketball finals is today!!!

Me: What??!!!!😨

Not that its important or anything but I was really hoping Zac would come and watch the decathlon. I mean he did say the finals is still next week.. I guess I won't be expecting a handsome blue eyed angel watching me later.😐

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