Chapter 7: Dream Come True

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In the last chapter you guys met Ethan, the smart, intelligent guy whom Mara easily connected to. Both their goals are to be part of Micanoria High School Scholastic Team. Are they able to please their professors? And with this will they have a deeper relationship? What about Zachary?BTW, this chapter is emotional, so.. prepare a lot of tissue nalang😆



Several weeks have gone by. The only thing I've been working so hard about are my grades and my reputation in school. Its only a few weeks left until the school decides who will be part of their scholastic team. I've never been this hungry to be part of any team before!

If you did not know, a scholastic team is a group of student chosen by their professors to represent their school in the annual Scholastic Game. Its more of like a sport for intelligent people.😂 All my life, I've been dreaming of being part of that game! Mom use to be part of her high school's scholastic team too. She said being in it felt like you've achieved a scholarship itself! I mean its kind of true though. Whichever high school wins the game, each of their members get to have a full scholarship at any university or college that they want!😍 Who wouldn't want that!?

I've been waiting for this opportunity for so long, and its slowing coming into place! Just recently, my Math and Science professors called me to their classes to tell me that I am one of their best bets to enter the team.

Professors: As you know, we will be choosing 2 freshmen to enter the scholastic team of Micanoria. And we have 3 people in mind, your one of them! Just do what you do Ms. Mendoza, maintain your grades and behavior for another week and we MAY just choose you!

Like omg! I can't imagine what it would feel like to actually be in a group of really, really intelligent students from my high school! Like wtf! My dreams are finally turning into reality! I went back to Mr. Andi's class with teary eyes and a huge smile on my face!

Mikaela: Omg! What the heck happened?! Why did they call you?

Me: (crying even louder) Guys, there's a huge chance I could be part of Micanoria Scholastic Team!!!💙💙💙

Kaela: Holy S**t! Stop it! Seriously!??? Were so proud of you!

Me: thanks guys, our Math and Science Profs called me to their class to inform me that I am one of their Freshmen options to join the team!!

Kaela: My friend's a smart ass! Yey!😂

Mikaela: Who are the other 2?

Me: I have no idea! What's important for me is that I'm one of them.

Several minutes later, the professors' assistant called me again. I wonder what it is. As I entered the Science lab, both the professors were staring at me with huge smiles!

Professors: We have good news my dear, your in! Congratulations Ms. Mendoza! Your part of the Scholastic Team!😁

Me: (in complete shock) Wait what?! How? I thought you were still choosing between 3?

Professors: Well, one backed out. I don't know why. He said he didn't want to compete with you.

Me: And who may that be Sirs?

Professors: Were sorry its confidential. What's important is that your in! We will give you the details of our meet up schedules tomorrow. Again, congratulations Mara!😁

I ran to class and told the twins about the good news!

Me: I'm in! I'm finally in!😭

Mikaela: hu? I thought they were still deciding?

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