Pain Comes In Many Forms

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                                                   Chapter Ten 

Ethel woke up with blaring white lights shining in her eye. It was so bright that she had to close her eyes a few times before forcing herself to open them.

Zeus, who was nodding off in an uncomfortable chair that was in the corner of the room decided for some reason he opened his eyes, right in time to see Ethel slowly waking up. He was shocked and froze at first seeing her wake up, but as soon as he realized that she was really waking up he leaped out of the chair and over to her bedside.

“What … What’s going on?” Ethel asking in groggy voice. Zeus smiled at the fact that she was talking, in the past day he had grown to miss her voice and hearing it made his lips turn upwards.

“You’re in the hospital. Jack, the horse freaked out and knocked you down, then continued to kick … he ended up jumping on your left leg … It’s broken. But the doctors say that you should recover soon.” Zeus said, trying to give her some good news. But Ethel didn’t take it as good news, knowing that she would be hobbling around for the next few weeks made her upset. She hated depending on people, but then again she should be used to it. Because every summer break Ethel has to go through surgeries. Ethel had been so badly burned that her skin didn’t grow, but her bones did. So to make sure her bones in her hands and back had enough room to grow, she had to have the surgeries. And the surgeries make her practically immobile and dependent on her family.  

“Grrr-r-reat!” She said sarcastically. “Where is my mom and dad?”

“They just left a few minutes ago. I made them go get something to eat because they’ve been refusing to leave your side...” Ethel looked at Zeus and noted that he had bags under his brown eyes.

“You don’t look like you’ve left here either.” She admitted to him. Zeus grinned, not only at her comment but the fact that she was talking back with him. Unlike the other times when he tried to talk to her and she shut down … No, this time she was speaking back to him. He hoped it wasn’t the pain medicine they were giving her, because he wanted to keep this up.

“Not one moment.” Zeus confessed. Ethel didn’t know how to reply to him. It was like ice cold water had been poured on her as he told her that he hadn’t left her side. “But anyways, the doctor did tell us that when you woke up he wanted to talk to you.” Ethel nodded and expected Zeus to leave the room to go get the doctor, but instead Zeus leaned over her bed and reached for the remote that was beside Ethel. He grabbed the remote and stood back up.

“This is Nurse Kelly, can I help you?” A voice asked through the speakers that were on the sides of the bed.

“Yeah, Ethel has woken up.” Zeus replied.

“Okay, I will get the doctor.” Then there was a click signaling the nurse hung up. Zeus leaned back over Ethel and placed the remote back where it was originally. But before he got back in a standing position, he stopped in front of her face. Their noses were practically touching one another. Ethel could feel his hot breath fall on her face every few seconds before it being replaced with coldness when he inhaled.

“I am glad you are okay, I was worried.” Zeus said in a very low voice. Without letting Ethel reply, Zeus caressed her cheek with his hand and then placed a soft kiss in her lips, he couldn’t help but smile when he removed his mouth from hers and she leaned forward for more. He didn’t deny her more so he kissed her again. Zeus was shell shocked though when he felt Ethel place her hand on his chest and push him away.

He stumbled back and gave her an uncertain look.

“Leave!” Ethel shouted at him with anger clearly plastered on her face. He was frozen, not knowing what went wrong. Did he do something? “Did you not hear me? Leave!”

“E-Ethel?” He muttered, still not understanding what was going on.

Ethel felt hot tears fall down her cheeks; it was unlike Ethel to cry. She had been through so much in her life and the only things she had known to bring her to tears is if someone died or she was about to go into surgery. Yet, right now she was crying. In no way did Ethel want Zeus to leave, but she knew that soon, when they start school together that he would ditch her. Zeus was a handsome young man, and once he walked in the school, any available girl would be pushing up her boobs to try and impress him. Ethel knew that he would leave her and ignore her, like everyone else does.

“P-please, just go, you’ll do it sooner or later.” Ethel muttered.

“Ethel, I will never leave you.” He told her with a stern voice.

“Why?! Why do you say that?! Of course you will! Everyone does!” Silence fell over them and Ethel was now in a fit of tears as she began to think of the past and the things that have happened to her over the years. People constantly told her that she would always be alone, no one loved her.

Ethel’s sister Rachel has always tried to protect her from the harsh teens at school, yet they still managed to corner her and tell her about how she was a mutant to the world with abnormal skin.

The silence that filled the room was interrupted by the door of the room opening. Ethel quickly wiped her tears away and her and Zeus both turned their head to see an elderly doctor walk in. He gave both of them a smile when he saw them.

“Good afternoon.” The doctor said. Ethel and Zeus nodded at him. The doctor looked at Ethel. “How are you feeling today?” He asked with a grin.

“F-fine, just a little tired.” She admitted.

“Well, that’s normal. So I am going to get straight to the point. The horse, from what I heard, landed right on your left leg, which leads to you having a broken leg. I figure that you will be in the cast from about 5-6 weeks maybe less, or more, just depends on how you heal. You also have a small concussion, nothing big, but I do want you to stay home for about a day or two. With no school, or extreme activities, which I see being hard for you to do with the leg of yours.” He informed Ethel with a slight chuckle. She let out a dramatic sigh.

“Can I go home today?” She asked.

“Yes, you may, but I would like you to stay a few more hours before we get you out of here. I want to make sure you are fully okay before I release you.” With that the doctor wrote some things on a clipboard. “Tell me before I leave, are you in any pain? Give me the honest truth by using a scale of 1 to 10, ten being the worst pain you ever felt.” The doctor quizzed Ethel.

“ … Two.” Ethel stated.

“So you don’t need any pain medicine?”

“N-no.” She replied. The doctor then nodded and said goodbye.

“You shouldn’t have lied about your pain level.” Zeus bluntly said to her, knowing she was in a little more pain then she was letting on. Ethel rolled her eyes.

“I have been in more pain than this … I’m fine.” Zeus didn’t believe her and knew that before she left he would make sure she was not in any pain, even if that meant forcing pills down her throat.

Within seconds the door was opening again, only this time it was Ethel’s parents. Mary, Ethel’s mother was in tears when she saw that her baby was awake. Mary ran to Ethel’s side and hugged her, Ethel winced in pain at the bear hug her mother gave her, but said nothing.

“Oh, my baby! I am so glad you are okay! I’m so sorry!” Mary cried. Ethel shook her head.

“I’m fine. There’s no reason to worry.” Ethel told her mom.

“No! It’s all my fault. I gave Zeus my sister’s address! I-I-I basically put you in this situation!” Mary wept.

“Why did you give Zeus the wrong address?” Ethel asked as curiosity burned through her.

(Special thanks to Kyeire for helping me with this chapter!)


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