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                                                                Chapter Twenty-Eight 

Soon silence fell over Ethel and Gram; she was not sure what to say after he told her his name. Was she supposed to question why he traveled to this city? Or ask him how is his day going? But in all honesty she didn’t want to make small talk this guy. In reality, she wanted her siblings and Nyla to come back so they could get rid of this guy.

“Cat got your tongue?” Gram teased. Ethel began to shake her head ‘no’ at him.

“No-o … I just have nothing to say…,” She admitted in a low tone of voice. Gram shifted around in his chair. Slowly, he began to study her. He wanted to talk to Ethel, but wasn’t too sure how to pop open her shell and get the girl in front of him to start talking to him like a normal human being. Leaning forward Gram gave her a toothy smile.

“Well, we can start by talking about school. Are you in high school or have you graduated?” He quizzed. Ethel’s eyes began to dance around the busy food court. Her eyes were in search of her family and friend, hoping they would be almost done getting the food. She spotted them and saw that they were still in line to get the food. Sighing, Ethel turned her attention back to Gram. His green eyes gave her an expression that clearly meant he was waiting for Ethel to reply.

“Y-yes … I’m in h-high school,” Ethel muttered. Gram grinned wider for she had finally answered him. His mind raced with more questions to ask her. But he knew that he had to take it slow with Ethel, after all Gram didn’t want to scare her off.

“What school do you go too?” Gram inquired. Ethel was gradually realizing that this guy was not going to leave and she had no hope of help in the near future. So, Ethel started to answer Gram and all of his questions. He end up asking a lot and at times Ethel wanted to tell him that he need to get lost, but she was too timid and just bit her tongue, literally.

After at least ten minutes of replying to Gram, Ethel looked over and saw, Rachel, Ace and Nyla sitting three tables over. They were gazing at Ethel and Gram with curious looks and wide smiles. Ethel was wondering why they didn’t come over and rescue her.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” Gram asked Ethel. She froze in her seat and her grey eyes cast down on the green table before her. She was now at her boiling point or as some might see it – her breaking point.

“Why do you ask so many questions? Last time I checked I didn’t know you,” she spat with courage. Gram raised his toned arms in the air as if in surrender.

“Whoa, chill, I know we don’t know each other. That is exactly why I’m asking so many questions.” He informed her with his deep Irish accent and a warm smile. Ethel huffed and wiggled a little in her chair, but she couldn’t shuffle around to much because of the cast on her leg that weighed her down. It irked her that she still had to wear the damn cast, it was not the most comfortable thing ... All the sudden she started to feel like the mall was becoming more and more crowded. An uneasy feeling settled in her stomach for Gram’s question of if she had a boyfriend was still ringing in her ears. “So, either you are upset because you have just gotten out of a relationship … or you are distress because you have no boyfriend … Which I can fix,” Gram gave Ethel a wink. She blushed at least ten shades of red.

“Are-Aren’t you t-traveling? I hear long dis-distant relationships don’t-t work,” Ethel fired back. Gram released a chuckle at her reply.

“I’m traveling, but I think that if I found what I was looking for I would stay. Ethel, I think you are what I’m looking for,” Ethel furrowed her eyebrows.

“Ummm, what exactly … are you looking for that I h-have?” She asked him. Gram grinned as wide as a Cheshire cat.

“I’ll let you know when I find out,” he flirted. She inhaled and exhaled loudly. “Ethel, will you go out with me?” Gram inquired as he leaned in so their faces were inches apart.

“I-I …,” Ethel started to not like how close their foreheads where so she inclined back in the chair. “I don’t think I-“

“She will meet you at Windgate restraint at seven o’clock,” Nyla suddenly said from behind Ethel. Gram smiled then stood up.

“Great see you then,” Gram stated with a grin before walking away. Ethel stood up as quick as she could with the boot on her leg.

“Nyla, why did you do that?!” Ethel claimed in outrage. She had just got heartbroken four days ago by Zeus. She was not at all ready for a date with a guy, especially one she barely knows.

“I think what Nyla did was very smart,” Rachel comment as she come over.

“Or very stupid,” Ace murmured when he reached his sisters and Nyla. Rachel smacked Ace on the back of his head in frustration. Rachel knew that he shouldn’t have said that for it only made Ethel question the decision to go on the date or not. But either way she was going on that date … Rachel and Nyla were going to make sure of it.


Zeus was currently in his room and was lying on his bed staring at the white ceiling. His mind was clouded with images of Ethel and the mere memory of the way her face looks everytime he sees her in the hall. For the past four days the only expression he could see on her was sadness. “I hope you know that you are going to have to get out of this room sometime,” Zeus’ dad spoke as he walked into the room. Zeus sat up and gazed at his father.

“I have left the room … I went to school today,” he replied with a neutral tone of voice. Zeus in no way wanted his dad to know that deep down his son was depressed because he had just hurt the one thing he truly loved. But even in his sorrow he knew it had to be done.

“I’m not stupid, Boy, David informed me of what happened,” Frank told Zeus, his son. “I also hear he hit you over the head with his shotgun,” Frank muttered as he leaned on the doorframe of his son’s doorway.

“Yeah, and it hurt like hell,” Zeus admitted.

“Good. Maybe, next time when I tell you not to get involved with my best friend’s daughter you will listen. You know, Zeus, really it’s not the fact you dated her, but it’s the fact that you broke up with her that piss me off. You two were perfect together … Hell you and Ethel reminded me of a younger version of Mary and David. Zeus, you should know that is a compliment because Ethel’s parents have been together for over 20 years ... It’s just … saw that you loved Ethel and it was clear as day in her eyes that she loved – loves you back. So, tell me, my idiotic son, why did you break up with her?” Silence consumed the room. Zeus was unsure of the right way to answer his dad. Should he tell him about the text messages? Or just shrug it off and tell his dad to leave him alone.

Zeus decided to go with the latter one, “Dad, it’s none of your business why I broke up with her. Just please, drop it. I am not in the mood to talk to you right now,” he bitterly replied. Frank went wide eyed at his son.

“You listen here, boy-” Frank was cut off by his wife who entered the room.

“Hey, Hun, your boss is on the phone, he says he need to talk to you about some contract,” Franks sighed and turned his attention to his wife.

“Okay, I’ll get it in a second,” with that Zeus mom left the room.

“We are not done talking,” and then Frank stormed out of the room, angered by his son’s words.

It didn’t take Zeus long to get up and close the door, then he went over to his desk. He picked up his phone and saw that he had yet again a text message.

When he opened it Zeus noted that there was a picture connected to the message.

Let the games begin – G

Angrily Zeus opened the picture, only to be frozen when he saw what the picture was of...

Daddy Has A Shotgun, But You Have My Heart {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now