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                                              Chapter Twenty 

When the bell rang Ethel stood up and left the class, she knew that Zeus was going to follow her out and try talking to her. But what surprised her was he walked along with her but he didn’t even mutter a word or look at her. She had began to wonder if he thought she was really actually mad at him.

“Zeus, I didn’t mean to get all mad at you, I’m sorry,” she mumbled in hopes of him to even look her way.

“Its fine,” he said in a low voice while looking at the floor as they walked to the next class. She could tell he was hiding something.

“What’s wrong?” Ethel asked him. Her gray eyes were glued to him in worry. Zeus sighed when he could tell he was stressing her. With all his good acting skills he faced her and smiled.

“Babe, nothing is wrong, I was just worried you were mad at me. But we are all cool, come on I don’t want another late slip, especially since it’s my first day.” He told her, hoping it would ease her. She gave him a smile and nodded.

Zeus sat in all of his classes not paying an ounce of attention to the teachers and their lessons. He was more concentrated on the text message he had gotten. Mentally slapping himself Zeus began to think about how he knew it would come to this day where he would have to pay for what he did ... For Zeus did something he will always have to carry with him.

“Are you going to eat?” Ethel questioned Zeus when he returned to their lunch table with just one tray. He shook his head at her and pushed the tray towards Ethel. She began drink the chocolate milk and occasionally she would look at Zeus to find him staring into space.

It was this dazed look that she found planted on his face all day. It was really making her worried that there was something bugging him. Right when her mouth opened to question him again, Ace her brother sat down at the table.

“Yo Zeus, I heard you punched Beck,” he said with a toothy grin. Within seconds Zeus lost his train of thought and glanced at Ace who was now picking food off his sister’s tray.

“Beck?” Zeus asked not knowing who that was. Then he thought about how he has only physically hit one person today and it was that douche that wanted his parking spot and bad mouthed Ethel. “Oh, yeah Beck deserved it.”

“True dat!” Ace said. “Zeus have you ever played football?”

“At my old school, played,” Zeus replied.

“What position were you?”

“Quarterback,” Zeus admitted.

“So are you going to try out for some football? We have tryouts today.” Zeus shook his head ‘no’. “Oh come on! You have the muscles and build for it plus you have played before. Coach will love you, like he loves me,” Ace beamed and then took a handful of fries from Ethel’s tray.

“I thought Coach hates you and that is why you always sit on the bench.” Ethel stated.

“No, he says I am a good player, but he keeps me on the bench because I keep stealing his whistle during practice. Oh and Ethel you gonna eat that?” Ace asked as he already began to reach for her pizza slice.

“Not anymore ... and why do you steal his whistle?” Ethel asked because she had never heard her brother mention that is why he is one the bench.

“The players are not doing what I say, and Coach does nothing. So I take his whistle and tell him what to do.” He said with a mouthful.

“You have no authority over the team, of course no one listens to you,” muttered Ethel.

“The point is,” Ace said, “Zeus you need to try out, after all someone has to kick Beck off his high horse.”

“What do you mean?” Zeus quizzed.

“Beck is bound to be the quarterback, he is good and what the coach is looking for. If you are any good I know you will also be what Coach is looking for.” Ace said as he took the last bite of her pizza.

“I don’t know man, but I’ll think about it,” Zeus honestly stated. Ace nodded and then stood up, he grabbed the only thing left on Ethel’s tray: an apple, and walked away. Ethel’s stomach growled and Zeus looked at her. “Want me to go get you another tray?” He asked. She shook her head.

“You are forgetting I carry a lunch box, Ace always comes over and steals the food from my tray.” She told him as she reached in her backpack and pulled out her lunch box. Zeus chuckled at how smart and resourceful she was.

Just then he wondered, should he try out for the team?

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