Anger And Kisses

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                                                  Chapter Eleven

Mary didn't reply to her daughter, instead she looked to her husband for a quick reply. But Mary was saved from answering her daughter when the door of the hospital room opened. In walked Bellva with a sad expression planted on her face heart shaped face. She strolled in and went straight to Ethel's bedside.

"I'm so sorry, Ethel, honey!" Bellva said all of a sudden, and then engulfed Ethel in a hug. Once again Ethel felt pain as Bellva gave her a bone crushing hug, but like last time she said nothing. "I shouldn't have left y'all alone in the stables." A gasp came from behind Bellva. With that Bellva let go of Ethel and turned around.

"You left my baby alone with those rabid animals!" Mary shrieked in anger. David saw what was about to happen and pulled on his wife's arm.

"Honey, calm down," He whispered to Mary. This was a mistake of him to say, because Mary snapped her head to face her husband.

"Are you telling me I should be mad at my own flesh and blood? She left my child alone-" Bellva naively interrupted Mary's rant.

"She wasn't alone. Zeus was with Ethel the whole time ... Plus, Prissy was in the stables when it happened, so technically she was never alone. And as for-" Mary had enough of her sister talking and was about to lunge at her. David grabbed his wife around the waist, restraining her.

"I will kill you! All I asked you to do was give Zeus and her some alone time to get to know each other! Now, my baby is in the hospital because of you!" Mary was stumping her legs and yelling words at Bellva, who stood there silently. Soon a group of nurses and security guards came in.

"Excuse me," one male nurse said, "but you're going to have to leave if you continue to shout."

"No!" Mary screeched. "That's my daughter! I'm not going to leave her here alone!" Everyone watched as Ethel's mother was forcefully led out of the room by two men. When the two men left with Mary, David started to give nervous looks at the door, and then at Ethel.

"Go after her, gosh knows she is going to put up a fight." David gave his daughter a grateful smile before running out of the hospital room. Bellva stood there not knowing what to do or say, after a second she realized that there was someone waiting to talk to them next.

"Ummm, there is someone that needs to talk to you both." Bellva said without looking at Ethel's piercing eyes. Not waiting on Zeus or Ethel to ask who, Bellva walked out of the room, returning with ... Prissy.

Prissy tried not to smile at Zeus when she saw him, for she knew very well that he was angry at her. She just wondered why in the world this guy was so interested in her boring, ugly cousin, who couldn't say a full sentence without acting so shy and fumbling with her words.

Why does he want to be with her so bad? She mentally questioned. If he wants someone easy, he sure won't find it with her. All the sudden she cleared her throat knowing the words she was about to say is going to be like pouring hot lava down her throat.

"Ethel, I'm sorry for suggesting you to groom Jack ... I should have known that he was ... Too wild for you to handle-" Right then Bellva elbowed Prissy because she was starting to sound snobbish. Prissy coughed and glanced around the room hoping the right words would come to her. She wanted to say something to make Zeus think she was a good person. "I-I wish it was me in the hospital bed and not you." Prissy said, then grinned thinking of how that line always seemed to melt people's hearts in those sappy sad stories.

"No, Prissy I wouldn't want you to be in the same position I am, broken leg is not a pain free as it sounds." Ethel said with a hint of venom in her words, but Prissy didn't pick up that. But what Prissy did pick up on was the fact that Zeus smiled at Ethel's words. She wanted so bad to stomp her foot and storm out of the room, but she knew her mom, Bellva wouldn't have that.

"Oh, kind, kind, Ethanol-" Bellva elbowed Prissy again. "I mean, Ethel, you are so ... kind. Thinking of others before yourself." Prissy was saying this through clenched teeth and her hand were slowly forming fist. Zeus noticed this and became angry at the bleach blond bimbo.

"I think it's time Ethel had some rest." Zeus said. Bellva nodded and pulled Prissy by the arm out of the room. Before Prissy left she gave Zeus a wink and walked out yelling at her mom for pulling her out of room.

Once everyone was gone, Zeus moved the chair in the corner of the room to Ethel's bedside he sat down.

Zeus sighed and looked at Ethel. "I'm sorry. I should have just taken care of Jack." Ethel tried to interject, but Zeus plunged on. "I mean, I knew you didn't know anything about grooming horses ... yet ... I'm so sorry Ethel." He said in a solemn voice.

Despite the position she was in, Ethel said. "I-it's fine ... I mean ... I'm fine. Look. I'm still breathing and talking, a-aren't I?" She gave him a bitter smile while trying not to act like her normal shy self.

Zeus smiled. "You're so beautiful." He said, surprising Ethel.

"Wh-what part of me is b-beautiful?" She said, her face heating up, even though she didn't believe Zeus' words.

He looked at Ethel with a dopey look. "Hmm...Your smile. Your face ...The way your eyes sparkle all the time ... the way your cheeks blush when you're acting shy, which is most of the time. The way-"

All the while, Ethel kept turning redder with each word that came out of Zeus' mouth. "Okay! That's enough!" She said, using both her hands to cover his mouth.

Zeus' eyes twinkled as he puckered his lips behind her hands and kissed her palm. Ethel's face previously had only been a light color red, but now, her face burned tomato red. She snatched her hand away from his mouth as though she were burned. "S-stop that." She half-stuttered.

Zeus chuckled. "Everything about you is beautiful, Ethel. Even the scars. They make you who you are."

Ethel put her head down. "I think you should go now."

"Your scars are beautiful. I long to kiss them as much as I long to kiss your tiny little mouth-"

"Get out! I mean it! Go away!" Ethel's voice rose as she got more and madder at him. But Zeus didn't move ... He didn't plan on ever moving.

(Special thanks to Kyeire for helping me with this!)

Kyeire is happy to help...always...even when TRRD thinks she's wasting Kyeire's time -.-'

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