Wanna Repeat That?

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                                                  Chapter Eighteen

Ethel escorted Zeus to the office where he talked with the assistant principal for a few moments alone before returning to Ethel. Her face turned bright red, when as soon as he came back over to her and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I got my schedule, ready?" He asked her. She nodded and they left the office.

"What is your first class? I can show you to it ... If you want," Ethel mumbled. Zeus faced her, not sure what she said because her voice was barely heard...

"What did you say?" He asked her in soft enduring voice.

"N-Need me to sh-show you to class?" Trembled Ethel. Zeus stopped dead in his tracks and placed his hands on her shoulder.

"Babe, don't go timid on me now. Just breathe and don't be shy, nothing is going to happen to you, not while I am by your side." It was those words that made Ethel sigh and relax. "Now, mind leading the way to our first class?" He questioned.

"What class are you taking first?" Ethel asked in her normal voice, which made Zeus grin.

"Same as yours, Spanish honors," he admitted.

"No, really, Zeus, what is your first class?" His name rolling off her tongue made him smirk even wider.

"Seriously, it is!" He told her in honesty. Ethel then just figured that they must actually have Spanish honors together.  She sighed and led him to the classroom.

As they were walking all eyes were glued at the new kid: Zeus. Ethel felt like a spotlight was being put in her as everyone noticed that he was by her side.

And of course upon first entering the classroom all eye turned to them. Ethel felt uneasy and insisted on sitting in the back of the class. Naturally Zeus followed her.

They sat down and he sat in a desk next to hers. He went to lean over and tell her something but was interrupted by a clearing of a throat.

"Okay students before we start on studying up for the Spanish verb test this Friday," everyone moaned, because they didn't like the sound of a test. "Oh, come on, it will be easy!"

"Mr. Santino, you said that last time and we all failed. All but Nerdy Ethel," a male voice said. Ethel knew exactly who it was, Ben Kave.

"More like Ugly Ethel," someone muttered. The whole class laughed.

"I will not tolerate that talk in my class!" Mr. Santino firmly stated. The class fell silent. "Now, I want our new student, Zeus Miller to stand up and introduce himself.”

Zeus gradually got out of his desk and smiled. "I am Zeus Miller and there is only one thing y'all should know about me ... Ethel is my girlfriend and if you wanna say something about her, say it to my face and let me allow you to personally assure you will NEVER talk bad about her or anyone else again." All eyes were wide and some people had fear planted on their faces. Whereas Ethel sat there speechless and her face flashed over twenty shades of red.

"Thank you for threatening my class Mr. Miller, but next time let's wait till my teacher ears don't hear it," Mr. Santino exclaimed.  Zeus nodded and sat back down. Within a second a hand shot up in the air. Ethel noticed that it was Ashley Bell. "Yes, Miss Bell."

"I have a question for Zeus," she said with a sweet and innocent tone. Ethel knew she was anything other than sweet and innocent. In face she was as mean and cruel as Beck, and that is saying something. Mr. Santino gave her the go ahead to ask. Ashley twisted around in her seat to get a view of Zeus. "Are you in Special Ed?" Her question made everyone raise an eyebrow.

"Miss Bell! That is not something to ask someone."

"Sorry, Mr. Santino. It's just he is dating the most revolting looking thing in the WHOLE school and I am including Freckle Fred."

"Miss-" Zeus cut off the teacher by quickly leaping out of his chair.

"I am sorry, mind repeating what you just said?" Zeus asked in a very deep, stern voice. Ashley looked at him with a fake smile.

"Couldn't hear me? Do I need to say it louder and slower for the Special Ed boy?" She asked.

"Well the only reason I couldn't hear you is because your triple D fake boobs were muffling your mouth." Ashley gasped at Zeus.

"Enough!" Yelled Mr. Santino before Ashley could have her rebuttal.  "Miss Bell, I will speak with you after class and as for you Zeus ... Well just try and refrain from that kind of talk around me and the other teachers. We are told to report this kind of behavior." Zeus nodded in understanding as he sat back down. Ethel noticed that once he was fully seated that Zeus was gripping the side of the desk, making his fingers and knuckles white. She reached over and placed her hand over his. He looked at her. At first his eyes were hard and dark as anger was clearly running through his veins. Slowly he claimed down upon looking at her and soon he was able to give her a smile, which she returned.

Daddy Has A Shotgun, But You Have My Heart {Completed}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora