Admit To Me

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                                                   Chapter Thirty

“Need a ride home?” Gram asked Ethel as he caught up with her in the hallways after the last bell. Ethel glanced over at the brown haired boy that was walking next to her and shook her head ‘no’.

“Thanks, but no thanks ... my brother is taking me to the d-doctors today,” Ethel replied as she readjusted her backpack on her bony shoulders.

Gram exhaled and gave her a small smile. “Why do you need to go to the doctor’s office?” Inquired Gram as he looked down at her.

“A check up on my leg ... Hopefully they are taking this boot off,” she murmured.

“Oh, yeah, I never asked you, what happen to your leg?” Ethel’s eyes casted on the floor as they walked out of the school. She was unsure of how to answer his question and not mention Zeus. Admittedly, she knew she could just tell him that it was broken by a horse trampling her leg, but Ethel had full knowledge that he would ask more questions.

“Ethel!” Gazing up she saw her brother, Eddie standing beside his red 1992 Jaguar car. His auburn hair was low cut and Eddie’s blue eyes stared directly at his little sister. Ethel waved and then looked at Gram who was studying Eddie.

“Who is he?” Gram quizzed.

Ethel sighed, “T-that is one of my br-rothers, Eddie,” she replied. Gram’s eyes flickered to her and he nodded.

“Oh, okay. Well I’ll see you later, alright?”

“Y-yeah sure,” Ethel stated and then walked over to her brother who was grinning from ear to ear.

“Hey sis,” Eddie said and then opened the passenger’s side door Ethel. She took her backpack off her shoulders, and started to get in but her brother, Eddie, reached out to grab Ethel’s backpack. from Ethel before she sat down. “I’ll put it in the trunk,” Ethel nodded and gave it to him. Once she was in her seat Eddie closed the car door for her. His legs carried him over to the trunk where he tossed her bag in and then went to the driver’s side. When in his driver’s seat Eddie turned and looked at his sister. “So, Ethel you are looking nice today,” he commented and then started the car.

“Uhhh thanks,” Ethel stated with uncertainty as to why her brother just complimented her, he never really did that.

“Sorry ... I know I’m not one to compliment ya, but mom told me what happened. Admittedly, I expected to be faced with a red nosed, crying teenage girl when I saw you.”

“What? Why?” Ethel asked not sure of what he meant.

“Mom told me what happened, with that boy,” Eddie muttered. Ethel started to put it together that their mother must have told Eddie what happened with Zeus. “So I kinda expect ya to be all sad and teary eyed.”

“I’m a big girl,” Ethel spoke. Her brother glanced at her and then nodded before looking back at the road.

“I can see that. I’m proud of ya sis, Rachel cried for two weeks straight when her first boyfriend broke up with her.”

“Ha-ha, yeah, she did ... but it’s been five days ... I’m over it,” Ethel lied. Eddie could just tell by the sound of her voice that she was lying.

“How is school going?” Eddie randomly questioned.

“Good ... I guess.”

“Who was that boy that was walking and talking to you when you exited the school?”

“Ummm, Gram.”

“Oh, Gram ... Rachel told me about him.”

“I bet she did, after all Rachel can’t have a conversation with anyone without gossiping,” Eddie chuckled at how true that can be.

“So, are you going on a date with Gram again?”

“The only reason I went out with him at first was because Nyla, my friend, and Rachel practically forced me too ... Most importantly I just broke up with someone...” Ethel stated as her grey eyes gazed out of the passenger window.

“But you just told me that you are over that Zeus guy,” Eddie said with a small smile for he wanted his sister to admit to not only him but herself that she is not over Zeus. Because if you lie to yourself and others, it eats you up inside.

“You and I know the truth...” She mumbled.

“Yes, we do, but I think it would be good for you to say it, out loud,” Eddie said as he pulled into the doctor’s office parking lot. With an elongated sigh Ethel unbuckled and looked over at her brother.

“You want me to say it aloud? What so I will hear my own voice admit that I still have feelings for a guy that doesn’t want anything to do with me?” Eddie’s smirk faded and parked the car.

“That is not-” Ethel rolled her eyes in anger and got out of the car. With a loud sigh Eddie turned off the car, hopped out and raced over to his sister. “Ethel, I just think -- thought it would help. It’s helped me in the past.” Slowly Ethel spun around and faced him.

“Okay! Yes, I love Zeus!” Ethel shouted. Eddie’s eyes went wide at his sister’s words. “I mean ... I mean like! Not love!” Ethel corrected herself. Eddie’s lips twitched up and he let a deep chuckle escaped his lips.

“Of course,” Eddie humouredly stated with a grin. Ethel huffed knowing her brother was going to forever remember, and mock her slip up. But she guessed that in a way she was lucky because he was not living at their house and had a job so he won’t be around her to often to taunt her about her mess up. Eddie put his arm loosely around the back of her neck and led her in the doctor’s office. “You’re never going to let me forget that, are you?” Ethel hissed in a low voice. Eddie shook his head.

“Depends, when are you going to tell Zeus you love him?” Eddie asked Ethel. The color in her face drained and Ethel’s heart skipped a few beats.

“N-Never! He broke up with me! I don’t want to tell him how I feel just so he can reject me, again.” Ethel ridiculed in a low but harsh voice. Eddie nodded seeing that his sister was really upset about the break up with Zeus … But he knew something she didn’t … and Eddie figured he needed to tell Ethel before Zeus and her have no hopes of getting back together.

Eddie watched his sister sign the sign in sheet. They then took a seat and Eddie looked at Ethel. “Sis, there is something I need to tell you…”

Daddy Has A Shotgun, But You Have My Heart {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now