Smiles and Tears

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                                                         Chapter Twenty-Five

Nyla sat in her classroom and all was quiet, well, at least for her. She loved being in a regular class, even if she couldn’t hear what was going on around her. But at least she had one thing going, lip reading. Her brown eyes scanned the class and Nyla knew that everyone was suppose to be hard at work on the class assignment but instead girls were chatting with their friends, and the boys were joking around with one another. Her lips twitched down when she noted that she was all alone in the back of the classroom.

Slowly she tapped her pencil on the desk before her. Alone … That single thought ran through her head, it was a word she was very familiar with. After all who wants to hang with a deaf person? … Definitely not the people here. Then again, Nyla was working her way into a friendship with Ethel. She had always wanted to be friends with Ethel, for they have a lot of things in common, like how the whole school thinks they are freaks. Just the mere thought of being friends with Ethel made Nyla smile.

Children in the class all the sudden stood up and were grabbing their backpacks. Nyla figured that the bell must have ringed. The teacher, Mrs. Luna was running around the room collecting the class assignment that kids probably didn’t do. Nyla collected her belonging and handed in her finished work. The teacher mouthed a thank you and Nyla nodded before exiting the room.

The halls where wall to wall with students, all chatting, getting things out of their lockers and just wasting time until their next class. Nyla, however, was doing none of that, in fact she was in a hurrying to get over to the science department. She wasn’t just rushing because her next class was on that side of the school, but because she was meeting with Ace.

Ace … That name made her beam. Admittedly, Nyla had the hugest crush on Ace. She has since first grade. He was always carefree and so funny the way he went around and ‘borrowed’ from his friends and family without asking, but acted like it was nothing. He was playful and made her laugh, secretly. It was all she wanted in a guy, and he even had the looks.

Now, she has planned to use the science notebook against him. All though the idea of making her his girlfriend tempted Nyla, she knew better then to force Ace to be her boyfriend. In the end it would have never worked. Nyla knew that whatever she did, Ace would never be with her, and it was a loss cause. After all why would Ace get with a deaf girl?

But, Nyla wanted one night, just one night where she can at least entertain the idea of being with Ace.

A tap on her shoulder made Nyla spin around. In front of her was Ace and he wore a smile on his face that made her smirk too. “Hey, I was calling you, what are you deaf?” He said. Nyla read his lips and frowned. It was not just the naive joke he made, but the fact that Nyla wished beyond anything that she could hear his voice. In her mind she dreamed of what it might sound like, deep and his tone as smooth as silk. All the sudden she changed train of thoughts, wondering if she should tell Ace that she was deaf. Then she realized that he might pity her, and she didn’t want that.

“Ha-ha, funny,” she spoke in a sarcastic voice. He gave a single chuckled and then pulled out her notebook. With an outstretched arm he handed it to her. Nyla grabbed it and thanked him.

“So, what is my punishment for borrowing your notebook?” He asked. Nyla took her eyes off his lips and was thinking of how to put her request / exchange for him using her notebook. Looking back at his lips she opened her mouth.

“I … I … My date cancelled on me for the dance, and my mom is … she is very ill and wants me to go to this dance. I need a last minute date,” Nyla lied. She was worried that Ace knew that she wasn’t truthful because Nyla knew that her words were rushed and she had paused in the middle of her speech.

Ace raised his eyebrow at Nyla. Never in all the years he has attended school had he had a date to a dance, for he always took his sister, Ethel, due to her never having a date. But, now, Ethel has a boyfriend … Which means he was a free man. His eyes scanned Nyla; she wasn’t his first pick for a date to the dance. But all the girls in the school probably already had a date for the dance since it was next Friday. So, he concluded she would have to do.

“Okay,” he replied. Nyla’s eyes widened and she felt like jumping up and down, but held it in.

“Really?!” She tried to contain her excitement. Ace chuckled and nodded.

“Yeah, now don’t go skipping around with happiness because you have a hot date,” with that comment Nyla’s cheerfulness died down a little. She smacked his arm, and he just grinned.

Ace heard the bell ring and he cursed. Nyla raised an eyebrow why he was all the sudden cursing. 

Did he suddenly realize that he was taking someone else to the date? 

Did he want to take back their ‘date? 

“What’s wrong?” She breathed. His eyes glanced at her and he was really wondering if she was deaf or just plain retarded, for they were late for class and had to get late slips, which for Ace, equaled detention because he has been late to many class recently.

“The late bell rang, that is what’s wrong,” he said. She just then noted that the halls were clear and they were just standing there in the middle of the hall.

“Oh…” she whispered for now she felt like an idiot. With that Ace began to walk away, she wondered if she should follow him or not. Once he got about ten feet away he turned and looked at her.

“Are you planning on standing there all day? Or you gonna go get a late slip with me?” He questioned. She suddenly realized where he was going and nodded then ran over to him. They silently made their way to the office for their late slips.


Nyla entered the lunchroom and immediately spotted Ethel, who was sitting alone at her lunch table. Nyla made her way over to Ethel only to find the closer she got the more she noticed that Ethel had a grim look on her face and tears were daring to leak from her grey eyes. “What’s wrong?” Nyla asked as she sat down next to Ethel. All the sudden Ethel embraced Nyla in a hug and started to cry. Unsure of what to do Nyla patted Ethel’s back. People walking by were looking at them.

“Come on,” Nyla said as she stood up. She started to practically dragged Ethel out of the lunch room. Nyla lead Ethel to the closest restroom. Once they entered Nyla locked the door so no one would come in and see Ethel in this state. “What’s wrong?” Nyla asked as she handed Ethel some toilet paper to wipe the tears. Ethel thanked her and then started rambling and she was talking so fast that Nyla couldn’t read her lips. “Whoa, slow down there, I can’t read your lips when they are moving ninety to nothing,” Ethel inhaled and exhaled loudly.

“Sorry,” Ethel proclaimed. Nyla shook her head.

“Nothing to be sorry about, just tell me, what’s wrong?” Ethel started to weep again, but she was speaking at the same time.

“Zeus … He broke up with me,” was all Ethel said before doubling over in cries. Nyla gave Ethel a hug, for now she understood what was going on and felt for her new friend. 

But the only question Nyla was wondering is, why did Zeus break up with Ethel? They looked perfect and happy this morning .. What had happened?

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