Words and Lips

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                                                                   Chapter Twenty-Two

Zeus stood there in the doorway of Ethel’s house with a shocked expression planted on his face. He had no idea what he had done to Mr. Hazel for him to kick Zeus out. He wanted to speak up and fight to stay, but all he could do that the moment was stare at the outraged father. “David, honey, calm down you are scaring the kids,” Mary said as she stepped into the room. Her legs carried her over to her husband and she wrapped her arms around his waist. She knew that David was really upset and had just gone off on Zeus. Yet, as she looked at the boy she could tell he had no idea why David was mad at him.

“I want him out of my house!” David called out in anger. Mary sighed and gave her husband an affectionate kiss on the cheek hoping it was ease him.

“I know, Honey, but we must first sit down and explain to Zeus why he has to go. Who knows there might be a reason for his actions,” Mary stated softly. It was just then that Zeus put together what was going on. He sighed realizing that he was in deep shit with not only David, Ethel’s father, but with his own. They must have gotten wind of what happened with Beck. Zeus knew his father was going to be beyond pissed because after all Zeus had made a promise that he was going to act right and not cause trouble like he had in the past. Zeus slowly began to see that maybe he can’t run from his past and its doom to repeat itself.

“I don’t want to sit down and talk it over with him. I told you and him that he was allowed to stay here if he acts right. Now, from what Coach Peters told me, Zeus got into a fight with a star player. I will not have him corrupting my family with his violent ways,” David said venomously.  Ethel stood there wondering what her dad meant by ‘his violent ways’. Zeus was never violent, well unless someone said something bad about her. But still, she knew he was a sweet, loving person and right now her dad was making him out to be a villain and admittedly it was ticking her off.

“Dad! Zeus is not a bad guy!” Ethel found her voice and all eyes turned to her. “I will not let you kick him out!” She yelled. Mary and David both looked at their daughter in pure shock, for this was the first time that she had raised her voice at them. Mary didn’t let it show but she was actually proud of her daughter, for Ethel was changing in a good way. Since Ethel met Zeus, Mary has noticed that Ethel has been coming of her shell, whereas David saw the change in his daughter a bad change. He had never heard her act so rash and let alone raise her voice at him and his wife.

“This is not your house, and I will not tolerate disobedience,” David firmly said. Ethel could feel tears well up in her eyes. Never in her life had she felt so out spoken and it hurt to know that Zeus was being kicked out, even if he had a home to go to, she wanted him here. After all Ethel was falling in love with Zeus and the mere thought of him not being by her side made her heart sink. Zeus could see her tearing up and grabbed her hand. They intertwined their fingers and within seconds Ethel was calming down. David didn’t notice this, but Mary did and she couldn’t help but grin.

“He leaves and I don’t cook for a month,” Mary bluntly stated with a straight face to show her husband she wasn’t lying. He looked down at her and gave her a confused look before realizing what she was doing. In a quick movement he shook his head, knowing her words didn’t matter at this moment. Right now all he cared about was Zeus leaving before Zeus could get his innocent daughter wrapped around his fingers.

“Mary, I said he is leaving. We both agreed he had one chance and he slipped up,” David told her with a stern accent. His wife sighed at how frustrating he was being at this moment. Yes, Mary did understand his reasons, but she had her own.

“Listen here buddy, when we got married we talked about how we will share everything and we agreed that every decision that is made will be made by the both of us. You right now are so blinded by anger that you wouldn’t even listen to me. I say he stays, or you can eat out to eat for a month and I hope you like the couch because that is where you will stay at nights if you don’t let Zeus stay here!” Mary said with a glare that was directed at David.

“Listen, Mr. and Mrs. Hazel, I realize the conditions you two let me stay here under, and I messed up-” David cut him off.

“Damn right you did,” he said with a cold look.

“Right … But the fight was because Beck started to talk about Ethel, in ways I rather not say. I couldn’t stand it so … I punched him,” Zeus admitted. David studied the young boy in front of him, looking for any signs that he was lying to him. But Zeus stood his ground and didn’t even flinch.

“He is right, I heard every word that prick said,” Spencer exclaimed coming into the room from the hallway. Something told Ethel that her brothers and Rachel were all around the corner listening in since the beginning.

“What did he say?” David asked Spencer. Zeus knew that Spencer would tell his father what Beck said, and that was fine, but he just didn’t want Ethel to hear.

“Spencer, I think it’s wise if we tell your father in a more private room,” Zeus said looking at Spencer and then quickly over at Ethel as if hinting he didn’t want her to be around. Spencer nodded in understanding. Mary ushered the unwilling Ethel to her room. Once they knew that Ethel was in her room Spencer told his dad all of what Beck said. In the end they all could practically see steam coming out of David’s ears.

“Zeus … You can stay, but next time tell a teacher or the Coach what is going on and don’t resort to violence.” David told him with a strict look.  Zeus nodded, knowing that was his final warning and his strike.

Climbing up the stairs, Zeus made his way to Ethel’s room. He noticed that the door was cracked and he opened it up to find Ethel sitting on her bed laughing with her mother. They however immediately noticed his presence. Mary stood up from the bed her daughter and her were sitting on. She smiled at Zeus knowing he was going to stay a little longer. Mary patted Zeus’ shoulder as she left the room with a closing of the door. Silence fell over them and suddenly Ethel got off her bed. Zeus noted that she was struggling to walk with her cast. “Need something?” He asked wondering if he could get it for her. She went over to him and stopped.

“Please tell me he is letting you stay a little while longer,” she breathed with pain seeping into her delicate voice. Zeus wanted to melt at her tone alone. He could tell she was worried. He knew his words would ease her, but all he could think about was his warm lips on hers. It didn’t take a millisecond for him to think ‘oh, what the hell’ and kiss her. Ethel was surprised by him crashing his lips on hers, but she loosened up and soon their kisses were in sync. Ethel tried to wrap her legs around him but the cast on her leg was weighing her down. It bugged her; she really wanted her body as close as possible to his. He noticed this and without missing a kiss he led her to the bed. They laid down with him hovering over her. His moist lips left hers and traveled down her neck. Lightly he rubbed his teeth on the nape of her neck, and as she tangled her fingers in his hair as he started to suck on her neck.  Ethel could help but moan at how much he was making her feel like she was on cloud nine. Moments later he stopped his actions and gave her a peck on the lips before rolling off her. Ethel’s breath was harsh but she wanted more. Her head turned to find Zeus was staring at her with a strange look in his brown eyes. A feeling rushed over Ethel, “I love you,” the words left her mouth before she could even think about what she said.

Zeus smirked, and leaned over, “I love you and I will forever and always.”

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