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The fire burning in Ethel’s heart was a fine mixture of love and hate. Presently, she was standing in the hallway of the school and no more than three feet from her was the backside of Zeus. His blond hair was moppy as ever, even though he was wearing a shirt she could see the muscles tensing in his back. She knew that Zeus had full knowledge that Ethel was staring at him. But she just couldn’t look away, even if as the seconds passed her heart pounded harder and harder as the need for him grew.

Four days, that is how long it had been since she was his. Since then a lot had changed. Like his classes, now they didn’t take a single class together.  He’d moved out of her house and into his parent’s home. The mere memory of how her dad reacted sent a shiver down her spine.

David, her father, found out what Zeus had done to his daughter before they even got home from school. It was no thanks to Ace and his big mouth. See, Ace was clever, he made a promise that he wouldn’t hurt Zeus, but that didn’t mean there dad couldn’t take a whack at him.

Admittedly, Ace knew very well that Zeus getting hurt might make his sister upset, but he saw her all that day after the bathroom scene and swore over and over to himself that Zeus was dead to him. So, this lead to David coming home early, and loading his gun.

Of course David knew he couldn’t kill the poor boy, for he would go to jail. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t shoot him in the arm or leg. Luckily Mary caught wind of what was going to go down and went home. She convinced David that he was being rash and that his actions would make Ethel hate him.

In return the moment Zeus got in the house to get his things David hit him over the head with his gun instead of shooting him. But it all went smoothly, Ace, Spencer, Rachel and even Nyla took Ethel out to a movie and dinner that day to keep her out of the house. When they arrived home Zeus and all his belongings were gone.

“I can still kick his ass, you know,” Ace said walking up to Ethel, who shook her head.

“Ace, stop being mad at him, it’s been four days. I’m over it and you should be too,” Ethel lied to her brother. Ace moved in front over her and leaned on the locker, blocking her back view of Zeus.

“Then why do you sleep in the guest room where he slept and refuse to let people change the sheets? Why do you cry when people aren’t looking? And most importantly in the four days, why haven’t you smiled? To me, you are not over it.” Ace muttered to his sister. Soon her grey eyes narrowed.

“Why and quite frankly what I do is none of your concern,” she bitter spat at him. He lifted his hands in surrender for he could see Ethel was on her last string.

“Chill, sis, now come on the bell is about to ring,” Ace stated and then dragged his sister to her next class, which in return made him late, but he didn’t care he was just glad he pulled her way from staring at Zeus and getting heartbroken all over again.

Ethel’s siblings for the past four days had been making it their duty to keep her up and happy. Even if they were failing at the happy part, they still stuck by her. Soon this led to her not being alone in the hallways or even at lunch.

In fact all of her siblings, Ace, Spencer and Rachel had not been sitting with their normal groups when lunchtime rolled around. No, instead they sat at her table, and whether they talked together or argued, they stayed. Nyla was also always sitting with them. She loved sitting in between Ethel and Ace. That way she could talk to her friend and steal glanced at her crush I the corner of her eye.

Currently it was lunchtime, Ethel was nibbling on a carrot, and Ace was thieving food from Rachel, Spencer and Nyla. “How about we go to the mall today?” Nyla suggested to Ethel in hope to get her out and about.

“That’s a really good idea! I will drive!” Rachel commented and then gazed at Ethel for approval. Her sister said nothing, just stared at the table. “Ethel … Ethel!” Rachel half shouted. Soon Ethel slightly jumped and looked around innocently. Everyone at the table could see her eyes were watery, indicating she was thinking of Zeus. “We are going to the mall today,” Rachel said, but this time it was a command. Ethel’s grey eyes cast down again.

“I don’t wanna,” she whined.

“Well, too bad,” Nyla replied.

“I’m so glad we are going to the mall. I have wanted to buy this watch-” Ace was cut off but Rachel.

“Ace, you are not going, this is a girls thing.”

“Awww man! …. Wait, if I wear some nail polish and maybe a red dress, can I tag along? I mean hey, it’s not like I haven’t worn Rachel’s clothes before.” Ace gave a cheeky grin.

“Ace! Really?!” Spencer spoke.

“What? It was a dare. Anywhoo, girls thing or not, I’m coming” Ace murmured right as the bell rang. Everyone, but Ethel shook their head and chuckled.

Right as Nyla, Ethel and Rachel were getting out of the car in the mall parking lot a banging noise sounded from the trunk. Rachel curiously opened her trunk and out popped Ace. “Thank gosh you opened that thing. I thought one more second in there and I was going to die,” Ace admitted as he dusted off the invisible dirt on his leather, black jacket.

“Ace! You dumbass! This is a girl thing!” Rachel said with rage. Ace just shrugged his shoulders and then looped his arm with Ethel and Nyla.

“Shall we?” Ace asked. Nyla giggled and Ethel just shrugged her shoulders. Rachel slammed her trunk down shut and huffed. She was mad at her brother for sneaking into her trunk before they left just so he could tag along.

By the time they were done shopping Ethel was starving and tired of being shoved left to right and being forced to try on clothing. She almost wished she had the power to be invisible right at this very moment. “How about we go eat at the food court? I hear they have awesome hamburgers,” Nyla recommended. Rachel, Ace and even Ethel nodded.

When they reached the food court they noted that it was packed. With Rachel’s keen eyes she spotted a group leaving a table on the other side of the food court. Ace and Nyla both raced over there to claim it. Once Rachel and Ethel reached the table they decided that Ethel would stay and keep claim of the table as they went and got food. Of course she didn’t argue.

It wasn’t seconds after they left that a young man, around Ethel’s age sat down in front of her. “I hope this seat isn’t taken, it seems all of the tabled here are,” the man spoke in a thick Irish accent. Ethel looked up at him. The male’s eyes were a deep green, his hair was light brown and combed back. He wore a royal blue cotton shirt and khaki shorts. His skin was tan, and he had muscles that reminded her of Zeus. All the sudden she wanted to tell him the seat was taken, but he talked before she could mutter a word. “I’m new in town? How long have you lived here? Or are you a tourist like me?”

“I-I … I live h-here,” she shuddered.

“Shy, I see. What’s your name?” He questioned.

“It’s-s … Ethel,” she murmured. The man nodded and gazed at her.

“It’s nice to meet you, Ethel,” he replied with a toothy grin.

“You-r-r name?” She quizzed.

“My name is … Gram.”


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Daddy Has A Shotgun, But You Have My Heart {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now