You're Warned

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                                                    Chapter Twenty-Four

It was morning time and Zeus was feeling happy, which was not like him in the morning times. Usually, he finds himself groggy and not wanting to get out of bed. But as he opened his eyes he saw that he was ready to leap out of the warms bed, because the fast he got out, the faster he would be by Ethel’s side. Swiftly Zeus got up and on his feet, he knew from the moment he got up that he need a cold shower, so without wasting a minute he got his clothes for the day together, and hopped in a shower. Once done he put on a black polo shirt with dark jeans. He just brushed his blond hair and put on some of his cologne before exiting the bathroom and the room he was staying in.

When he reached the kitchen he saw that Ethel was eating some toast and scrambled eggs at the table. Mary, her mother, was running around the kitchen as she fixed more eggs and toast. “Good morning, Zeus,” Mary stated when she noticed him come in the room. Ethel glanced up to see him and smile found her face followed by a blush.

“Morning,” he said with a grin. Walking over Zeus took a seat next to Ethel. While her mom had her back to the two, Zeus bent down and kissed Ethel on her temple. “Good morning, Babe,” he whispered in her ear. She shaded her face with her hair as her cheeks turned over thirty shade of red.  This made Zeus smile that he could fluster he so easily.

“Zeus, I hope you like eggs and toast. It’s my menu for this morning,” Mary said as she turned around and gazed at him. Zeus nodded.

“Yes, Mrs. Hazel, I love them,” he commented. Mary resumed her cooking before cutting off the stove. She plated some eggs and two pieces of toast, walking over she handed it to Zeus who happily took it.

“I’m going to go get finished getting ready for work. When Spencer and Ace get up, instruct them that the food is here and on the stove.” Ethel and Zeus both nodded. Once Mary left them, Zeus looked over at Ethel who was eating, silently. Soon, he did the same and it wasn’t long before Ace walked in.

Ace grinned as he walked to the stove and picked up the pot full of eggs that were for both Ace and Spencer. Ace’s arms reached out and picked up the plate with four pieces of toast on it. Ace dumped all the toast in the eggs and sat the plate back down. He walked over to the counter and pulled a drawer out. Reaching in the drawer he got a spoon. Then Ace went over and sat across from Zeus and Ethel. He began to eat from the pot.

“Did mom make me some breakfast?” Spencer asked as he came into the kitchen. All eyes then focused on Ace who smiled sheepishly.


Ethel and Zeus walked in the school with grins that stretched from one side of their faces to the other for they had just had a make out session in his car before exchanging ‘I Love You’s. All this was literally making Ethel’s head spin as she realized that she had her first boyfriend and he was everything that she dreamed about in a guy. “Hey,” a female voice said from next to them as they were down the halls to Ethel’s locker. Zeus and Ethel both turned their head to see, who Ethel knew to be, Nyla.

“Hi,” replied Ethel. Nyla smiled at the two.

“So, I‘m guessing you two are going to the dance next Friday together?” Nyla questioned with a grin. Ethel wanted to shake her head and give her normal reply that she didn’t have a date, but then she remembered that she had a boyfriend. Her gray eyes looked over at Zeus who was deep in thought. With a shrug of her shoulders Ethel looked back at Nyla.

“I’m not sure … are … are you going?” Ethel asked her when they arrived at her locker. Nyla shook her head ‘no’ and gave them a smile that was not wholeheartedly. Ethel wanted to frown for she felt bad for Nyla. “Is it because you don’t have a date?” Ethel asked as Nyla watched Ethel’s lips move. Nyla solemnly nodded and her eyes danced around the hallways as if hinting that she wanted to drop that subject now that it was reflecting on her.

“I’m Zeus,” he said looking at Nyla, but she wasn’t looking at him, so Nyla didn’t know he was talking to her. “Hello?” He stated wondering why the brunette in front of him hasn’t even looked his way. Ethel realized what was going on and turned to Zeus.

“She is deaf and reads lips. Since she isn’t looking at you, she doesn’t know you’re talking,” she told him. Zeus all the sudden wanted to facepalm himself because he was seconds from getting a little angry with this strange girl.

“Ready?” Zeus asked Ethel once she got all of her books out and closed the locker door.

“Yeah,” she responded as she swung her backpack over her shoulder.

“Ethel, I need something,” Ace said running over to Ethel, Nyla and Zeus.

“What a brain?” Nyla asked as her eyes focused on Ace’s lips.

“Ha-ha, every funny … No, I need your science notebook, we have a pop quiz and rumor has it that we can use our notebooks.”

“I can’t give you mine. I have her class two classes after you and by then you will be in another building which will make us late to class if we were too met up.” Ethel confessed to her brother.

“Nyla, do you have your science notebook? I know you take the same science teacher as me,” Ace told her.

“Why should I give you my notebook?” Nyla asked.

“Please, I will do anything,” Ace promised. Nyla grew a wicked grin on her face, for she all the sudden got an idea.

“Anything?” She quizzed.

“Anything,” he replied.

“Okay, here,” Nyla said and reached in her bag. She handed it to him and then faced Ethel and Zeus. “I guess I will catch you two later,” Nyla stated. Ethel and Zeus both looked over her way and nodded. “Oh, and Ace I’m holding you to your promise.” With that Nyla walked away.

“Sweet noodles!” Ace said as he flipped through the notebook. “This is guaranteed to get me an A!” Ethel giggled at her brother before telling Zeus they should get going.

When in the classroom Ethel and Zeus found seats next to each other and sat down. The teacher walked in and started her lesson on Spanish nouns. It felt like at the same time it happened yesterday it happened again, during class Zeus' phone buzzed, indicating he had gotten a text. Reaching in his pocket he pulled it out.

When he read it was an unknown number he knew who it was from, again. Silently and quickly he opened the phone and read the message.

I see you have changed the kinds of girls you date, Zeus. She seems shy, and nerdy, not to mention slightly unattractive with those scars on her body … But I wouldn’t mind getting dirty with her. You're warned – G

P.S- You will pay as I did, better believe I am coming for you.

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