On Purpose

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                                               Chapter Nineteen 

"So what is your next class?" Ethel asked Zeus with a smile hoping it was near her class, so maybe she could escort him to his next class.

"Ummm, let me see," with that said Zeus reached in his back pocket and pulled out a sheet of paper. Looking at it for a second he sighed. "Geometry honors, with Mrs. Kisco," Ethel stopped in her tracks.

"Let me see your schedule," Ethel told him. He grinned at her and shook his head at her. Ethel went to reach for his schedule but Zeus held it up in the air with his long arms.

He chuckled as she started to jump up and down in hopes to get a hold of the schedule. "Give it up babe, you can't reach it," he stated. Ethel froze her attempts and narrowed her silver colored eyes at him. "Why do you want to see it?" He asked her as he lowered his arm.

‘I want to see it so I can see if you have the same classes as me,” but those words didn’t escape her lips.

"I just ... Just," Ethel really didn't want to tell Zeus the real reason she wanted to see his schedule because if he told her that her suspicion was wrong then she knew that she would me upset and hurt, plus embarrassed for thinking that he purposely made them have the same classes...

"Babe, what is it?" He asked. She shook her head and just then the late bell rang. Ethel silently cursed for the fact that now she had to get a late slip. "We should get to class," he told her as he noticed that teachers were closing their doors and students were running down the halls hoping teachers would let them in late.

"No use in heading to geometry without a late slip because Mrs. Kisco will not let us in without it." Ethel admitted as she led him to the front office.

Ethel and Zeus stood in line for a tardy note for over five minutes. Zeus tried striking up a conversation with Ethel but she didn't even mutter a word to him.

"Ethel, what's wrong?" Zeus asked her as they were making their way to class after receiving their notes to get into class.

"I-It's nothing," she lied. Zeus saw her fiddling with the pink slip, to him that was a high tail sign she was not telling the truth.

"Don't lie to me, please babe what is wrong? You haven't been talking to me since we started walking to the office. Is it because I made you late?!" Ethel began to shake her red haired head at him.

"No, it ... It is just that you go around the school and at home calling me your b-ba-abe and your girlfriend. Yet, you will not let me see your class schedule," Ethel faked a sad expression. She wanted to smile and jump up and down that he believed that she was truly upset when Zeus pulled out his schedule and handed it to her. Her eyes scanned the paper and she then looked at Zeus. "You are unbelievable!" She said as she shoved his schedule at him. He smiled knowing why she was mad at him. "Your schedule matches mine! You did it on purpose!" Ethel shrieked as her fist collided with his shoulder. He just laughed which made her more upset with him.

When they finally reached their class the teacher had already began her lesson and just nodded for them to take a seat once she saw the tardy notes. Ethel was happy to see that the only desks left where on the opposite side of the room.

Zeus on the other hand found no happiness in that, in fact he was quite distraught to know that Ethel would go a full hour without his explanation. But the vibration feeling from his pocket made him become sidetracked from his train of thought.

Looking up at the teacher he saw that she was too caught up in her lesson to see him sneak out his phone and check the text message he got.

Zeus saw the text was from an unknown number, but he still opened it up.

‘You will pay for what you did, Zeus, we are coming for you - G’

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