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                                                         Chapter Thirty-Five

Ethel rested her warm, wet, cheek on the bed.

Her gray eyes looked up at the face of the man laying in the hospital bed: Zeus.

His eyes were closed, and they’d been that way for the past 48-hours. Just like his still eyes, his body hadn’t moved an inch.

Doctors told Ethel and his family that Zeus will recover, but Ethel couldn’t help but have a sickening feeling in her stomach that things wouldn’t be all right because Zeus was showing no signs of getting better.

Mary, Ethel’s mom, kept telling her daughter that it had only been two days and that for him to get better, it would take a lot more time.

Police officers had kept trying to talk to Ethel, and get a statement about what happened that night with Gram and the cafeteria, followed by questioning. But, David, her father, kept convincing them, somehow, to come back at a later time.

It worried David and Mary that their daughter was not leaving Zeus’ side, but both knew she wouldn’t until a good, hearty sign was shown that Zeus was in fact getting better.

Ethel stared at Zeus’ composed face. Her eyes were starting to feel heavier and heavier. But, every time they would close, she would jolt up and start to stare at Zeus some more.

“Honey, want us to try and get you a bed? See if we can allow them to pull it up next to Zeus’ bed?” Marry offered to her daughter.

Ethel shook her head, indicating she was going to do no such thing.

It wasn’t long before the red headed girl fell fast asleep, with her hand tightly clutching Zeus’.


Ethel woke up, to the sun kissing her face. With squinted eyes, Ethel realized she was in a hospital bed, next to Zeus, with their hands still locked together.

“We got Zeus’ nurse to put you in a bed, but you were too stubborn on letting go of Zeus,” Marry chuckled as she walked over to her now awaken daughter. “Listen, your dad and I are going to go home and rest. We’ve been up here waiting for you to want to go home. Yet, I can clearly see you're not leaving anytime soon. So, just call us when you are ready for us to come get you,” Mary informed Ethel.

With a nod of her head Ethel spoke, “okay ... Hey, where are Zeus’ parents?”

“They called and said they would be up here later.”

Ethel sighed, “okay, love you.”

Mary kissed her daughter’s forehead, “I love you too.”

With that Mary left the room.

Ethel’s head twisted to reveal Zeus laying in a bed next to hers. With tired eyes Ethel noted that nothing was new about Zeus’ appearance. This time, Ethel allowed herself to fall asleep.


Something was different, Ethel noted before she even opened her eyes.

There was noises surrounding her, she could immediately tell that lights were brightly shining above her. Ethel’s ears picked up on clicking of heels, children’s cries, people talking, phones ringing, and much more.

Her eyes fluttered open with confusion.

Soon, she noted that she was still in the hospital bed from earlier, yet, it / she was moving. “What’s g-going on?”

Looking to her side, Ethel saw a male nurse pushing the bed she lied in down the busy halls. Her body shot up in panic, “I-I’m not a patient-t! Stop-p-p!” She shrieked, thinking that the nurse mistaken her for a patient.

The nurse stopped his walking and looked at Ethel.

Ethel’s eyes grew the size of saucers, for she realized who it was: “B-B-Beck?”

His eyes narrowed at her, “lay down!”

Ethel didn’t follow his instructions for she was very disoriented as to what was going on.

Beck resumed his strides down the hall, and Ethel in tow.

Soon, Beck pushed the hospital bed in an empty elevator. Once in, Beck pressed floor number G, which Ethel knew to be the parking garage. “Beck-k-k, what’s going o-on? Why are we ... we going to the parking g-garage?”

Beck turned his head and gazed at Ethel, with a look that clearly meant for her to shut up. Glancing away from Ethel, he slowly started to take off the nurse hat he wore, along with the blue scrubs. In the end, Beck was dressed in dark denim jeans and a forest green cotton shirt.

Seconds later the elevator door opened, revealing the parking garage. “I refuse to leave t-this elevat-tor! Until you t-tell me what the hell is  ... is going on!” Ethel shouted in anger.

Beck faced Ethel, “either you leave this elevator, or I drag you out by your hair!”

His voice made Ethel scoot all the way to the head of the bed in fear. His blazing like eyes made Ethel realize that she seriously to get out of the elevator and get help. But, she’d have to go through Beck.

“B-Beck, why ar-re you doing this?” Ethel asked, hoping to stall him until so she could devise a plan to get away from him.

Beck gave Ethel a crooked grin that showed off his pearl whites. With the same smirk on his face, Beck walked over to the panel of buttons in the elevator. He pressed the ‘hold’ button, causing the doors to stay open, and the elevator not to move until he pressed it again. “You see, Gram, was my cousin. He made me promise that if something was to happen to him, that I finish the job for him. Boy, when I found out it involved you and that that Zeus guy, I agreed without blinking.” Beck stated and then grabbed the end of the hospital bed that Ethel sat on.

Keeping eye contact with her, Beck gradually began to pull the bed out of the elevator.

Ethel started to shake for she knew that Beck was stronger than her and with that look in his eyes, she had a gut feeling that this might be her last day on earth.

Even though that gut feeling started to slowly consume her mind, she knew that she wasn’t going to go down without a fight. Leaping off the bed, she managed to wiggle through and out of the elevator. Her eyes danced around before her legs took off in the parking garage.

Her ears picked up on Beck growling in frustration, before his loud steps started to advance in her direction.  

Ethel had full knowledge that Beck was gaining on her, but she didn’t see the exit to the parking garage, and hopeless was seeping in more and more. Yet, she figured that he hadn’t caught her yet.

“Help!” Ethel found her voice as she started weaving around cars, trying to lose Beck. Her breath was ragged, and her chest felt like it was on fire. But, images of what happened two days ago when it came to Gram kept flashing through her mind, causing her to be quick on her feet. “Somebody! Help!”

Arms suddenly looped around her thin waist, bring her to a dead halt. “No running from me bitch!”

Tears started streaming down her rosy cheeks as Beck carted her off towards what she was guessing was his car.

As if a sign that Ethel was destined to live, she saw a police officer walking down the parking lot towards them.

With quick movements Ethel started to kick and scream, hoping to not only draw the attention of the officer, but to get out of Beck’s hold.

It wasn’t long before the police officer saw Ethel, and rushed over to her.


I am posting the epilogue immediately after this, so one you get to this, the epilogue will be up!!!

Daddy Has A Shotgun, But You Have My Heart {Completed}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant