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In Room 2 at Platinum, one of Starling City's premier BDSM clubs, a pretty brunette is kneeling on the floor with her hands clasped behind her back and eyes fixed to the empty space between her spread thighs. She's waiting for her Top to enter the room.

Chanelle Briguglio knows the rules, and she's not allowed to speak or move until further instruction. With her back to the entrance, Chanelle only hears when the doors open or close. The thick carpet where she's kneeling muffle the approaching steps, but the powerful presence behind her is unmistakable.

Attempting to slow the beats of her racing heart and to calm her nerves, she takes a deep breath. She reminds herself that there's nothing to worry about. She's being silly. Chanelle knows no harm will come to her. She's safe in the hands of her Top, even when a spark of fear tells her differently.

She forces herself to leave those thoughts aside when a blindfold appears before her eyes. The order is unnecessary, because Chanelle instinctively closes her eyes, and the world falls into darkness as the blindfold is fastened securely. Strong hands force her to get on her feet. They're sheathed in leather and are harsher than the usual velvety touch of her Top.

The lack of verbal commands and the brusque handling are somewhat disconcerting, yet not unfamiliar to the submissive woman. Her Top loves to keep her on her toes. Always guessing. Eternally wondering what will come next. Never knowing.

We're in rough play mood, huh?, the brunette muses excitedly. Her body reacts instantly, increasing her heartbeats to a thousand miles per hour as fire darts through her nerves. It goes straight to her soaking core. All that she craves is to be treated that way.

Chanelle finds herself strapped to the bed a few minutes later with leather cuffs around her wrists and ankles. The restraints leave her at the mercy of her Top. Utterly vulnerable.

A selected playlist blares from the speakers near the bed. Each song has the purpose to set the mood for the session. Soon, the music combined with the skillful teasing and torment to which Chanelle is subjected creates a hypnotizing force that she cannot escape. She's trapped between erotic pain and the overwhelming pleasure delivered by those leather-encased hands. Her body and mind fly high on ecstasy. The sensations are so overwhelming that Chanelle thinks she might die from it. Yet, she knows she won't. At the end of the night only pleasure will remain.


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