Chapter 10

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Oliver knows he went too far with Tommy. The devastation he feels about Felicity pushed him into saying and doing hurtful things to his friend. Knowing he needs to regain control and put his head on straight, Oliver seeks the advice from his friend and mentor, Master Slade.

He texts the man, asking him if Slade has time for him. A relieved breath escapes him when Oliver receives the confirmation saying that Slade is free tonight. He invites Oliver to come to his house. The offer is a balm to Oliver's wrecked psyche, so he doesn't waste time and heads over there.

Oliver doesn't need to knock because Slade opens the front door as Oliver makes his way up on the short steps to the porch. Greeting him with a hug and a beer, Slade leads him into the living room.

"What can I do to help my best student?" Slade inquires in his distinct accented, gruff voice once they are settled into chairs facing each other.

"I am afraid you may take that compliment back when you hear this," Oliver tells him wryly as the cold refreshing beer washes down his throat. Being there in those circumstances makes Oliver uneasy. It's been a long time since he had a conversation like this with Slade.

At the beginning, when he and Tommy were in training, Slade used to have long conversations with them, tutoring their minds as much as he did their bodies. Oliver loved those talks, but right now, it felt more like being to principal's office. He knows that's his guilt's doing, which claws hard in his heart.

"I met a woman," Oliver explains to his mentor. "She is unlike anyone I have ever known, but I lost control over the situation. No, I have no control at all," he rectifies. "I collared her and she was mine, just mine. The joy was unbelievable."

Taking a glance at his mentor, he sees understanding instead of disappointment. Encouraged he continues, "The collar, that was a one of a kind, suddenly showed up on the neck of the latest murder victim."

Slade nods his head. "I heard about all the murders and your involvement. Hell, one of the first victims was found in my club. I'm aware of the rumors, but I know you would never do anything like they are saying. It's terrible that you got sucked into all this mess. Going back to the collar, did your sub give it away? Is it what happened?"


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