Chapter 12

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Thinking of her recent conversation with Felicity, Sara Lance decides to contact Tommy Merlyn. He has every trait that any woman would be thrilled with except, of course, for her evil sister, Laurel. Handsome, kind, rich, giving, thoughtful, a strong Top, plus so much more. Sara has always had a soft spot for Tommy, but his devotion to Laurel was evident. Refusing to be the rebound or the second choice, Sara remained friends, just friends, with Tommy. Picking up her phone, she sends a quick text.

Haven't seen you in some time. Want to come have dinner?

Surprised when she received a reply, she opens it with trepidation.

Thankfully, Sara gets off at 5, so she has plenty of time to shop, clean and cook

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Thankfully, Sara gets off at 5, so she has plenty of time to shop, clean and cook. The doorbell rang just as dinner was done. Tommy stands at the door looking as good as ever. Good enough to be a sub for, her mind screams as she forces herself to remember why it is such a terrible idea.

"Just in time. Come in." Tommy hands her a bottle of a vintage wine that he knows she loves. "Let me go open this and let it breathe. Take a seat and I will serve dinner." Sara goes to the kitchen, opening the wine, and brings a salad, bread, and lasagna to the table.

"This looks wonderful. I haven't had a good Sara-cooked meal in forever."

Smiling at Sara, Tommy takes a big bite of dinner smacking his lips. Sara can't help but notice how the green shirt brings out his eyes. Her sister is so stupid. As they eat dinner, the conversation flows easily around meaningless topics.

Sara only digs in on what she really wants to know when their plates are empty, "How are you doing? I was just talking to one of my coworkers the other day. How are things with Laurel?" Just saying her sister's name leaves a bitter taste in her mouth. Seeing the distress on Tommy's face only makes it worse.

"Doing good," Tommy shrugs slightly, belying his words. Then, he confesses, "Laurel has been the bane of my existence lately, to be honest. Oliver is ready to kill her. I don't understand why she won't leave him alone."

Tommy shakes his head sadly as Sara reaches over to take his hand.

"I am so sorry, Tommy. You deserve so much better. Is she still chasing Oliver like a dog in heat? I should call Oliver and see how he is doing."

Sara stands up to bring the dishes into the kitchen, and Tommy follows her. He rinses off the plates and loads them in the dishwasher while she puts the remaining food away. After tidying the kitchen, Sara pours wine into the glasses, and walks into the living room, sitting down on the couch. Tommy sits next to her.

"Yes, you describe it perfectly. Oliver has a new sub that he is obsessed over. Laurel decided to talk to her, which almost resulted in his sub leaving him. I have never seen Ollie like that before, Sara. He threatened to kill Laurel. When I mentioned sharing, he lost his shit. No sharing, no swapping, no touching. "She is mine" were his exact words. Laurel is lucky the sub is back."

Sara is shocked. Ollie has been remote for years. Yes, he is good to his subs, no debate on that, but he always keeps himself back. Swapping and sharing are done with everyone, even Laurel was shared.

"That is unusual, but I am not totally surprised. Ollie has so much passion and I knew once it was directed it would be intense. Who is this lucky lady?" Tommy hesitates and Sara wonders why.

"Someone he met that he fell for. How is work?"

Sara is so curious, but it is obvious that Tommy is not going to say any more about the subject. "Good. Busy with the murders, of course. Is Verdant doing okay with all the bad press?" Even though Sara mentioned Tommy to Felicity, she could not image Tommy or Oliver being the killer.

"Surprisingly, it dropped off for a day or so, but picked right back up. You should stop by. I know you don't play, but you can come have a drink at the bar."

Sara knew what she was about to do was dangerous. Tommy trained with Slade and was a true master. His personality would consider her next words a challenge.

"I don't come to Verdant because of Laurel, but I'm submissive, Tommy. Poison is where I go to play occasionally, usually with Max Fuller."

Tommy's head turns around immediately. The expression of his face goes through a myriad of emotions; from surprise to confusion, from intrigue to desire. His eyes darken and Sara knows what he will say before it comes out of his mouth.

"Sara, kiss me now." Tommy's dominating personality came out just as Sara expected.


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