Fated meeting chapter 3

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Midorima P.O.V
A week have past since Takao went to school now. Now that I think about it Takao always come into my office whoever he's bored at home. But now he's not here. I felt kinda lonely without him.

~This morning~
"Papa! you burned the egg again!" Takao shouted.

"What?" I looked at the pan with the eggs inside they all turned black. I felt disappointment in myself.

"Papa you suck." Takao honestly said.  I felt a stab of pain through me.

"I-I'm sorry Takao..." I slump on the floor.

"It's fine. I'll just make myself some toast." Takao got up from his chair. I sigh to myself.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. I got up to go get it.

"Yes, who is it?" I open the door. When I looked at my doorstep no one was there. I blinked.

"Midorima." Someone called out to me. I shriek and looked around for the voice.

"I'm here." Kuroko appear in front of me.

"K-Kuroko why are you here?" I asked him.

"I'm here to pick up Takao. Since it's his first day I thought I pick him up." Kuroko said.

"There's no need I'll send him-" I was cut off.

"Kuroko-sensei!!" Takao ran past me and hugged Kuroko.

"Takao. Good morning." Kuroko smiled.

"Nee,Nee, Kuroko-sensei are you good at cooking." Takao asked him.

"Yeah, I am." Kuroko said.

"Then, can you make me some breakfast. Papa burned the egg and I need something to eat for energy." Takao said.

"Sure, but if your papa says it's okay." Kuroko looked at me. I sigh to myself.

"Fine come in." I said.

Takao and me sat down on the table while Kuroko make breakfast for us. When he set the plate down my eyes widen. There was a yellow and white fresh cooked eggs and bacon. It was perfect.

"Itadakimatsu!!" Takao picked up an egg and ate it.

"Yummy! This is much better than papa burned eggs." Takao smiled. I felt another stab in the heart.

"I also made you two some bento. Here Midorima and Takao." Kuroko handed us both a bento wrapped in a green cloth.

"Yay!" Takao sparkle. I glad he was smiling and happy. I tuned to Kuroko and asked him.

"Kuroko." I said. He turned to me.

"Yes?" He said.

"Is it okay if you come here everyday to cook for us. Because I'm bad at cooking so I would appreciate it if you could..." I felt myself blushing.

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