Fated meeting chapter 4

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Midorima, Takao, and Kuroko was holding Takao hand as they walk in the dark street with lights leading their way.

Takao was humming happily as they walk home. Midorima and Kuroko smiled at how Takao was.

When they arrived Midorima went to open the door.

"Were home!! I'm back!!!" Takao enter the room.

"Takao be quiet. People are sleeping don't disturb the neighbor." Midorima push up his glasses.

"Yes, I'm sorry papa. Shhh..." Takao smiled.

Midorima smiled and ruffle his hair.

Kuroko enter the door behind them. He look around and noticed everything was clean and tidy. Kuroko took off his shoes and enter the house. He walk in the hallway following Midorima and Takao in the living room.

Kuroko saw picture in the wall. Midorima and a women next to him with black hair and black eyes.

"Kuroko would you like to stay for tonight?" Midorima turn to him.

"No, it's fine. I have to go back home anyway." Kuroko said.

"I see..." Midorima said.

"But I'll come early tomorrow to make you both breakfast and lunch." Kuroko said.

"Then, I'll give you this." Midorima stick his hand out toward him.

Midorima drop a small key in Kuroko hand.

"This is the key to our house. Come in whenever you need to." Midorima said.

"Is it okay?" Kuroko looked at him.

"Of course, if Takao trust you I'll also trust you." Midorima smiled.

"Kuroko-sensei! Come here! Come look at my room!" Takao said.

They both turn to a smiling Takao. Carrying a toy in His hand.

"Takao it's almost time for bed. You can show him tomorrow." Midorima said.

"B-but...." Takao face turn into a sad smile.

Midorima flinch and panic inside.

"Ahem, then Kuroko you wouldn't mind right?" Midorima looked at Kuroko pleading inside.

Kuroko just laugh at him. Midorima face turned red.

"It's fine. Beside I have to talk to you about something later." Kuroko said.

Kuroko walk past Midorima and follow Takao into his room.

Midorima watch as the door closed in Takao room. Midorima sigh once he was left alone. He turn to look at the pictures on the wall. He picked a picture up with his wife in it.

"Miyuki!" Midorima came storming trough the door.

Midorima wife laid in the bed tired and weak. She looked so pale with her dry lips. A nurse stood next to Miyuki holding a small baby in her hand helping Miyuki hold her baby.

"Shintaro...your here.." She smiled weakly.

"Miyuki...I'm here." Midorima held onto her hand.

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