Fated meeting chapter 7

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"Papa!" Takao ran over to Midorima.
Midorima knelt down and ruffle his hair.

"What is it?" Midorima said

"Look this is papa and me with Kuroko Sensei holding hands with me!" Takao showed the drawing to Midorima.

Midorima looked at the picture and almost choked.

In the picture Midorima and Kuroko was holding Takao hand in the middle. But the only weird thing was there was a big heart between Kuroko and him.

"Nee..Papa is Okay is Kuroko-Sensei be my mama?" Takao Said.

Midorima choke more. Midorima heard a laugh and turned to Akashi who had a hand coving his mouth turned to the side trying to hide his laughter.

"W-what are you saying Takao! Why do you want Kuroko-Sensei to be your mother!" Midorima eve waas red.

"Because...Kuroko-Sensei make very delicious food, He's good at cleaning and I think he's really pretty." Takao Said a bit embarrass.

Midorima felt his jaw drop. Well of course Kuroko was a very pretty perish with his pale skin and red roses lips that you just want to kiss him and those soft blue hair and round eyes...that you just...

"Gahhhh!!!!" Midorima scream slamming his head on the table Takao and Akashi looked at him like he was crazy.

"Well I'm glad Takao think of me like that." Kuroko appear next to Takao and ruffle his hair.

"Kuroko!" Midorima stood up hitting his leg on the table.

Midorima scream in pain rubbing his leg.

"Are you okay Midorima?" Kuroko looked at him worried.

"I-I'm Fine..." Midorima our in a face smile burnt was hurting really bad.

"Are you sure?" Kuroko reach out to him and touch his cheek.

Midorima felt his whole world stop as Kuroko looked at him worried. Midorima felt his heart beating really fast Kuroko hands felt really warm and nice. Silence filled the air as they were both in their own little world.

"Ahem. Tetsuya don't you have work to do." Akashi cough.

"Ah, Your right." Kuroko remove his hands from Midorima and smiled at him.

"Come on Takao. We still have a big surprise we have to show your father." Kuroko smiled.

"A surpise?" Midorima looked at them.

Kuroko and Takao looked at Midorima. Takao looked at Kuroko who hand a finger on his lips smiling. He wink at him.

"It's a Se-cr-et." Takao put a finger on his lips.

Takao quickly went to Kuroko and held onto his hands as they walked back into the play room.

Midorima watch as they walked together. He saw a reflection of his wife and Takao holding hands walking together. But is soon disappear and he saw Kuroko smiling at Takao.

"Maybe I have fallen for him.." Midorima whispers. He took out the handkerchief from his pocket that Kuroko gave him.

Akashi heard what Midorima Said. He had a smirk on his face.

"Heh, well good luck Shin-ta-ro~" Akashi playfully Said.

"Shut up Akashi!" Midorima turned at him angry.

"Shut up Akashi!" Midorima turned at him angry

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Akane: well I had trouble writing this but here you go sorry if it's short

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Akane: well I had trouble writing this but here you go sorry if it's short.❤️✌️

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