Fated meeting chapter 16

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Sadly to say this but This story is almost over :)  A couple more chapters❤️

Never Worn white by Katy Perry.

(Video on top)

OMG ya should go watch her video! It's so beautiful and she's pregnant! She's gonna have a baby! I'm so happy for her! 🥰

Takao has just gotten back from school. With his Uncle Akashi and Seiji by his side.

"Go in." Akashi said.

"But....I'm scared." Takao felt like he was gonna cry.

"Why?" Akashi asked him.

"Mama might not be there..." Takao said.

Akashi looked at him for a moment.

Takao knew about his mother. How his mother past away giving birth to him before he could meet her. Akashi and Takao was pretty similar both of their mother passing away not being able to see them grow up.

"Takao can I ask you a question?" Akashi smiled.

Takao looked at his uncle.

"Do you love Kuroko-Sensei and your papa?" Akashi said.

"I do." Takao nodded his head.

"Then, there's nothing to worry about. Just believe in them and believe that everything is will be okay." Akashi smiled.

"I'll go with you if you need me too Takao." Seiji grab his hand.

Takao looked at Seiji who's face was slightly red.

"Thank you Seiji. But I can do it." Takao wipe away the tears and puff his cheeks up.

He walked in front of the door. At first he hesitated to open it. But he open the door and his eyes widen when he saw his papa and Kuroko-Sensei was up hugging each other.

They both turn to look at him.

"Takao?" Midorima called out to him.

"Takao what wrong?" Kuroko asked him.

Takao started to cry.

"Mama! Papa!" He cried running toward them.

He jump onto them crying as they held onto him.

"It's okay now." Kuroko whisper to him. Reassuring
Takao that everything will be okay now.

Kagami and Kuroko sat down in a booth together at Maji Burger.

Kagami whole body was shaking and he was biting his lips like he wanted to say something.

"K-Kuroko I-Ekkkkk!" Kagami scream when he saw behind Kuroko was a evil Satan with his red scissor and a very pissed off Carrot man.

Hurt Tetsuya again and I'll Kill you :D

Snip Snip Snip

Snip Snip Snip

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