Fated meeting chapter 11

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-The next morning-

Takao and Seiji woke up by the smell of Bacon and egg.

They rub her eyes still tired and sleepy.

"Sensei...morning." Takao struggle to open his eyes. There was some drool on his lips.

"Good morning. Takao, Seiji." Kuroko smiled.

"Tetsuya-sensei!" Seiji eyes widen in shocked surprised to see his teacher here.

"Yes?" Kuroko blinked.

"Why are you here?" Seiji asked.

"Ah that, Well Since Takao papa doesn't know how to cook I take care of them everyday." Kuroko smiled.

"I see....so he does have a weakness." Seiji whisper the last part quietly.

"Did you say something?" Kuroko asked him.

"Nope. Nothing, I just learned something interesting." He smiled.

"I see." Kuroko Said.

"Mama...I'm hungry..." Takao went up to Kuroko and cling onto his leg.

"Mama?" Kuroko looked down at the sleepy Takao.

Kuroko laughed about how cute Takao was. His bed hair was sticking out. He picked Takao up and held onto him.

"Seiji, I'm gonna put Takao back in bed. So can you please help and set out the table for me please." Kuroko Said.

"Yes Sensei." Seiji nodded.

Kuroko thanked him and went back into the hallway.

Seiji set up the table when he finish Midorima walked in.

Both red and green eyes clash at each other.

"Ah it's you..." Midorima said.

"Ah, it's My Takao weirdo father." Seiji laughed.

"I'm not weird you devil!" Midorima Said.

"You are, makes me want to cut you with my scissors." Seiji pulled out a red pair of scissors.

Snip. Snip.

Before Seiji could attack Kuroko appear between them.

"You two.. knock it off." Kuroko hit them both in the head.

"Ouch!" They both yelped.

"I'll take this." Kuroko grab the pair of red scissor from Seiji hand.

"Seiji What did I tell you about playing with these." Kuroko cross his arm.

Seiji looked down pouting.

"That...it's dangerous and I could hurt myself...." Seiji Said.

"That's right. And Midorima who told you, you could fight with a small kid." Kuroko looked at him scolding him like a child.

"T-that..." Midorima didn't know what to say.

"You two apologize to each other right now." Kuroko sternly Said.

"Hah! Why should I apologize to this weirdo!" Seiji pointed at him.

"Yeah! Why should I apologized to this son of Saton he even tried to used his scissor on me!" Midorma shouted back.

"Because your a weirdo!" Seiji shouted at him.

"Hah! I'm not a weirdo!" Midorima glared.

"You are! Weirdo! Weirdo! Weirdo!" Seiji repeat.

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