Chapter 2

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    Nico rushed away from Percy's confused, puppy-like, stare and sat down at a primarily empty table. On the way, he grabbed another pomegranate to replace the one on the ground that he didn't have the courage to go back for. He ate silently and watched the table where Percy usually sat at. Percy came a minute later and sat down next to Annabeth right after somebody had told a joke, although Nico couldn't hear what said joke was. Annabeth kissed his cheek and told him something. As soon as Percy came, Nico left. It was too painful to watch him and Annabeth having a relationship. Nico knew that I could never have him, yet it seemed that his heart hadn't gotten the message. 

     To Nico, it was infuriating. He ran back to his cabin, his vision going blurry and his anger growing. Nico decided that the other campers didn't need to see him going through a mental breakdown. No, they definitely didn't need to see him losing his grasp on his own emotions.  As soon as he ran through the door of his cabin he locked it. How unfair was life, first the wars, and now that everything was supposedly peachy and great for everyone, here he was stuck in the eternal loop of hating himself. Deciding that he had done enough self-pity for the day, Nico flopped onto his bed and rolled over. The best course of action was to probably just sleep his frustration off. But, Nico didn't account for the recurring nightmares.

     Nico woke to the sound of somebody knocking on his door. He groaned knowing that it was probably Jason, wanting to make sure that he was ok. Nico knew that Jason meant well, and he loved the guy, in a brotherly way, but sometimes he just needed time to himself to sort things through without the interference of another person. 

     Getting out of bed slowly, Nico made his way to the other side of the cabin. But, to his surprise, instead of seeing a worried blonde-haired son of Jupiter, he saw who he was trying to escape from in the first place. Percy Jackson. 

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