Chapter 15

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Piper POV

     After I woke up, I went to Annabeth's Cabin. I needed advice on how to tell Jason that I didn't feel the same way anymore. I walked over, and knocked on the door. Malcom ended up opening the door, and saying that Annabeth had gone to the training arena. As I walked over, I saw Jason talking to Leo, so I tried to avoid them as much as I could.

     When I got to the training arena, I saw Annabeth talking to one of Ares girls, Lily, I think. I felt a weird pang in my chest. I wasn't sure what it was, but it kind of felt like jealousy. But it couldn't be, Annabeth was just talking to someone... and I'm not gay. I decided to just go over to them, and act chill. I walked up, and threw my arm over Annabeth's shoulder. She jumped, surprised to see me there.

     "Ahh, oh, hey Piper" I laughed, "Hey Annie, and is it Lily?" I turned my head to face the Ares girl. 

     She looked at me with narrow eyes, "No, it's Lila".

     "Sorry. Hey Annie, could I talk to you when your done with the conversation. Meet me at my cabin." I turned and headed out of the training arena. When I got to my cabin, I saw Jason at the door. I stopped, and stood still, trying to think of what to do. Then I saw Leo walking around, I grabbed him, and, with charmspeak, told him to go ask Jason if he could go take a walk with him. I hid in one of the bushes until Jason and Leo were gone. I walked into my cabin and shut the door. That was a close one. A minute later, I heard a knock, I got up and opened the door.

     I saw Annabeth, and let her in. "So, I can guess what you want to talk about is how to deal with Jason. Gods that sounded bad, sorry, how to deal with breaking up with Jason." 

     I nodded my head. "Yeah, I saw at the front door, and I had Leo take him on a walk using charmspeak."

     " let's get you ready for what your going to say to him. And how to actually approach him. Because it seems whenever you see him, you freak out." I nodded again, that was true. 

     "It's just, I get scared that I'll say the wrong thing to him and he'll hate me afterwards."

     Annabeth nodded, "I know, you just need at plan that you'll stick to". I liked that Annabeth was helping me through all of this. AND I liked all the time I spent with her, it made me feel special. "So I think that you should start off slow. Don't rush into it. Go like 'Hey Jason. Want to go to the beach.' Or something like that, and make sure to let him down easily. Say 'Can I talk to you about something I've been thinking about?'
     "Yeah, ok, I'll try,  thanks".

     "You're welcome". She stayed for a bit longer, and pumped me up for the "talk". When she left, I hesitated to go talk to Jason. After a good amount of time procrastinating, I finally got up and walked out the door. I strolled along the cabins looking for the son of Jupiter, who was probably with Leo. When I got to his cabin, I knocked on the door hoping the he was in there so I didn't have time to run away, because that's what I felt like doing. Anything but that I was doing now.

     Jason wasn't in the cabin, and that just led to me shaking in nervousness in front of his cabin. I decided to look for him around camp more, since it was doing me no good just standing there. I headed to the training arena, painfully slow if I might add. When I finally got there, Jason wasn't at the arena either. I was getting anxious by now, where is Jason?! I searched the camp, and I ended up in the strawberry fields. There I saw Jason on his back, looking at the clouds. I headed over to where he was laying, and sat down next to him. 

     "Hey" He said softly with a smile. I grimaced, I felt so bad, I had to ruin this "perfect" relationship. I forced a smile on my face, and looked down at him. 

     "Hey, whatcha' doing?", my mind was going different direction on how to do this. Should I tell him here, or follow Annabeth's plan, and tell him I want to go on a walk with him and end up at his cabin. I had to choose one, and fast. 

     "Nothing, just looking at the clouds," Jason replied, pulling me out of my, really important decision making, thoughts. I couldn't do this here, I needed more time to think. 

     "Hey, do you want to walk back to your cabin, it's getting late". He smiled, "Sure, Pipes". My stomach twisted, soon that smile would be long gone, and all because of me. "Ok, let's go".

     We walked slowly, and didn't talk much. I thought about how many ways the conversation could go. It could either go really well, with him not being mad at me, and wanting to be friends afterwards. Or it could be that he hates, and wants nothing to do with me. I really hope the first option happens. I was so nervous and anxious of the thought of having to tell him this. 

     But it had to be done... I had to tell him, lest I hurt him more by waiting too long. All too soon, we were at his cabin. "Hey Jason, can we maybe talk behind your cabin?". I did not need someone walking in on us while having this discussion. "He scratched his head, "Surreee... But why?". 

     "I just want to stay outside some more, and I don't want to stay in the front where everyone can see us". Jason took this the wrong way, and smiled mischievously. I mentally face palmed, I could've put that a lot better, now he thinks that we're going to go make out or something. 

     I walked towards the back of the cabin, sweating with anticipation. UGHHH, why does life have to be so dam (Get it?) hard. Jason followed still smiling, then grabbed my waist and put his chin on the top of my head. This was not going to be easy. 

     "Uh, Jason, could we talk seriously for a moment?". Jason frowned, this was obviously not what he thought was going to happen. "Ok, what do you need to talk about?". I looked anywhere but his eyes, I just couldn't look at them when I said this.

     "I-I think that w-we need to break u-up". I could feel tears threatening to spill over. Jason looked confused, "What do you mean that your breaking up with me?! I thought we loved each other?". He didn't look confused now, just sad and heartbroken. I knew that this was going to be his reaction, and I couldn't stand to see him like this.

"I just don't feel the same way anymore," my voice wavered with sadness. "I still would love to be friends. But only if you want to" I tried adding.

Jason stared at the ground, "I don't know if I want to be friends right now. I just need some time to think it out." I sighed, "I understand, but if you ever change your mind, don't be afraid to come look for me. When Jason didn't reply, I walked away, tears pouring down my cheeks. I went to Annabeth's cabin, hoping to find her there. 

     I knocked on the door, really hoping that she would come out and comfort me, and tell me everything was going to be alright. When she did open the door, I jumped into her arms and sobbed, right now, everything felt wrong. Like the world was out of balance and everything was going to end soon. 

     Annabeth led me to her bed and laid down with me. No-one was in the cabin, thank gods. It felt so nice, being in Annabeth's arms and her hugging me to her chest, saying comforting words into my ear. I ended up falling asleep in her warm embrace, and everything melted out of existence, like nothing ever happened.

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