Chapter 10

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Nico's POV

I opened the door and saw Percy standing I the door way. Now I wished it had been Jason instead. I stood there, wanting to shut the door and shadow travel away to Camp Jupiter to see my sister, Hazel. But I didn't do that, I was too tired to even try. I just stood there not saying a word, I was afraid that I would start to cry again if I did say anything.

Percy just stood there, a worried look on his face. I waited for him to say something, and eventually he did. "Nico, I never wanted to hurt you. I love you, and don't you ever think that I would joke about that. Because I swear on River Styx to never try to hurt you, ever. Even if I fall back into Tartarus, I would never break that promise." Percy stood there, waiting for a reply from me, but I didn't say my response. I took his shirt and crashed my lips on his. He stood still, then started to kiss back. I felt myself melt into his warmness. I never wanted to let go, but we had to break apart for air.

Percy had a grin on his face, the grin I fell in love with the first day I met him. I pulled into my cabin and pushed him onto the bed and kissed him roughly. Our lips moving in sync, he bit my bottom lip, wanting access. I let him explore my mouth with his tongue, and moaned softly. His body warming my cold one. He stopped and started to cuddle with me. I pouted, but decided that this was the next best thing to kissing him. His body fit perfectly around mine, like they were made for each other. This was mostly because of the height difference, because I was at least a few inches smaller than Percy.

     I didn't realize I fell asleep, until I woke up to the conch horn for breakfast. I didn't want to go, but Percy had woken up too and he nudged me to wake up. I groaned and got up, I put my signature outfit, black skinny jeans, a black tee shirt with a skull on it and finally my aviator jacket. I went into the bathroom to go brush my teeth, but before I reached the door, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

     Percy nuzzled his chin on my head, and I leaned back into him. He didn't expect that, so we ended up falling back together. The good thing was that Percy cushioned my fall, but I could hear a groan from underneath me. "Oh my gods, Percy, I'm so sorry!" I scrambled off of him and helped him up. Percy chuckled and said, "It's fine, I need to get ready though, so..." Thats when I noticed Percy was shirtless, I tried covering my face so he wouldn't see my huge blush.

     I made my way back to the bathroom to finish my morning routine. I walked out, and saw that Percy was done too. He bent down, kissed my cheek, then grabbed my hand and started to walk out. I blushed once again, and caught up with Percy. Percy was walking fast so I had to jog to keep up with him. "Why are you walking so fast." Percy glanced at me and with a tone that made the answer seem SO obvious "It's breakfast, who wouldn't want to get there fast?" I laughed and started to run and yelled to him "Race you!" Percy started to run and laugh, trying to keep up with me. I reached the pavilion first, and raised my arms up in victory, breathing heavily. Percy came just a few seconds later, bent over.

     "You ... cheated" he said in between breaths. I laughed and shook my head, "There are no rules in Nico racing". He looked at me weirdly and just shook his head. "Lets get breakfast, I'm starving." Percy started over to his friend group, I walked up to the table warily, not sure if I should join. Percy saw my hesitation, and pat the seat next to him, easing the feeling of doubt. I sat next to him, and wished for a single pomegranate. Percy wished for some blue pancakes and orange juice. I looked around the table, watching what everybody was doing. Leo and Jason were in an argument, probably about something really stupid. And Piper and Annabeth were talking and laughing about who knows what. I looked at Percy who was eating his pancakes, and was trying to break up the argument that Jason and Leo were having. I stared at my pomegranate not feeling very hungry, but decided that I had to et something. Slowly I ate a small pile of seeds that fell from the fruit of the underworld.

     Percy looked at me smiling about something. "What are you smiling about?" I asked. "Nothing, you just looked cute". I glared at him, "I am the son of Hades, the god of the underworld. I am many things, but cute is not one of them." He just laughed and hugged me, "I love you" he whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. Piper looked over at us, and squealed. "Oh my gods! Pernico is totally a thing now!". Percy smiled at her sheepishly, "Yep, and he's all mine now". I blushed and looked away, not wanting people to see my embarrassment. "He's all mine now" rang in my head, I was Percy's.

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