Chapter 4

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      "Annabeth and I broke up"

     Nico stared at Percy, not comprehending what had just been blurted out to him. Percy looked at him expectantly, wanting him to say something. Anything. He needed the awkward silence that took over to be over with. 

     "I'm sorry? You don't seem to be too torn up over it, not to be blunt"

     Nico didn't know what else to say, what was he supposed to say? He and Percy never shared anything anymore. Nico wasn't that little boy who fawned over his savior and had no brain to mouth filter. No, now he had a filter, thank the gods. 

     "Yeah...I'm not too sad about it. I mean I am because I hurt her, but I knew it was coming sooner rather than later. I'm actually the one that broke up with her. I don't know, it seemed like the right thing to do. And, I don't know why I'm still talking. Please say something to shut me up..."

     Nico hadn't been paying attention to what Percy was rambling about. He was still trying to get over the fact Percy and Annabeth had broken up. They had been the 'it' couple everyone looked to when they wanted to see a great relationship. And here he was listening to Percy talk about the fact that they weren't together. Nico was in shock, and even though he was pining after Percy, he still was sad for them both. He could see a good couple when it was in front of him, and Percy and Annabeth had been it. Even younger him had seen it. 

     Nico snapped out of his reverie when he noticed that Percy had stopped talking. Percy was no longer looking at him and explaining what went wrong in his relationship, rather he was looking further down at Nico's clothes. He was confused, was there something wrong with what he was wearing, it was just what he had worn earlier to breakfast. Maybe just a bit rumpled from sleeping it. 

      Suddenly Percy jerked his head up, blush forming on his cheeks. 

     "I, umm, actually have to go! See you around. Thanks for listening to me talk". And with that, Percy spun on his heel and walked away. 

     "Ok, see you later then", Nico awkwardly waved at Percy's back, turning around and heading back into his cabin, confused on why Percy had acted that way.

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