Chapter 11

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Percy's POV (I need someone new -_-)

     Piper and Jason's squeals sound exactly the same, except Jason's squeal is higher. A/N: Percy is a savage :P. I could see Nico look away, so I knew he was blushing. He's so cute when he's embarrassed. "Oh my gods, when did this happen!" Piper shrieked. "Yesterday" I nervously rubbed the back of my shoulder. Annabeth was looking at the two of us with her thinking face. I hoped that she would move on and find herself a boyfriend. (Or girlfriend, wink wink ;)) 

     I answered more questions from Piper and Jason, then excused Nico and Me, I? Me? UGGHHH, I hate grammar. I led Nico to the beach and took off my shoes and shirt. Nico blushed   furiously, "What are you doing?" I looked at him with a smirk, "We're going swimming, now get ready". He took off his shoes, but not his shirt. He stopped hesitantly, and stood there stubbornly, "I'm not taking my shirt off" he replied. "Fine, but if you complain about all your clothes being wet, don't blame me" I took his hand and started to jog towards the water. 

     I jumped in, then splashed Nico with my powers. Nico looked at me with a glare, "I will so get you back or that". I started to swim more out shore, he would have to catch me first. Nico slowly got into the water, then started slowly walking towards me. I knew I was far away enough so that he couldn't walk to get to me, and I'm pretty sure that Nico can't swim very well, so I knew that Nico wouldn't catch me. I start to splash him more, and I saw the look on his face go from angry, to furious.

     Nico stood in the water, with his brows furrowed and his eyes glaring at me. I decided not to splash him with water, because I did not need to fight off a hoard of zombie skeletons. After a while of his standing there, Nico turned his back on me and walked away. I was confused on what he was doing, so I decided to chase after him. I swam back to shore and quickly caught up with him. He and I were soaking wet, so I decided to dry us off with my powers. We walked to Cabin XIII, and went inside. So far, Nico had yet to talk to me, and I was wondering how pissed off he was. I broke the silence by apologizing to him, "Look, Nico, I'm really sorry for splashing you in the water, please forgive me." He turned around, and I gave him the best puppy face I could.

     Nico finally gave in and forgave me. I kissed his nose, while he still had his glare. But I could tell he still loved me, I mean, who wouldn't?! He sighed, probably knowing that he couldn't stay at me forever. There still was about half the day left, so I decided I was bored, and the ADHD wasn't helping. "Let's go do something! I'm so booorrreeeddd!!!". Nico looked at me with a glare, "Percy, you aren't a 5 year old, you are 16, so act like it". This is what Nico's face would look like -_-.

     "No." and with that, I grabbed Nico's hand and pulled him out of the cabin.

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