Chapter 8

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Jason's POV(whoa, this is so weird)

     I hadn't seen much of Nico since he came back to camp, so I decided to check on him. Ever since our visit to the d-bag god, Eros, Nico had been more distant to everyone but me. I walked over to his cabin and knocked on the door. I heard a voice yelling "GO AWAY". I figured that t was Nico, so I knocked more and yelled back "Nico, are you in there. Open the door.". I waited for a minute, and saw a red eyed puffy faced Nico looking back at me. I knew instantly that he had been crying so I stepped forward and put my arms around him in a hug.

     Nico stood there in my arms crying for a while. Before anyone could see us, though, I stepped into the room, closed the door and locked it. For about half and hour, I rubbed circles into his back and said comforting words to try to get him to calm down. After he stopped crying, Nico mumbled an apology. I looked at him with worry spread across my face and asked "why were you crying?". 

     Nico looked at the ground and said "Percy kissed me". I looked at him confused. Why would Nico be sad about that, he likes Percy. I voiced my question, and he looked at me with teary eyes and said "I know it was a joke, that Percy doesn't like me back". I thought about it for a moment and wondered if Percy would do that. He's not that cruel, I mean, his one "flaw" is that he's too loyal to his friends. (BTW, I put flaw in quotes because liking your friends too much is not a real flaw -_- seriously).

     My first reaction was confusion, doubt, then anger. If Percy did that to Nico as a joke, I would totally get him. First I had to find out what his side of the story was. So,  I told Nico I would back and left his cabin. I asked people around the camp to see if any of them knew where Percy was. Most said that they saw him wither walking to the beach or the his cabin. I decided to check the beach since that was where Percy liked to go the most. 

     As I waked to the beach, the sun was almost below the horizon. I started to jog to get there faster, and saw a shadow of a figure walking along the small tide coming in. As I caught up to Percy, I saw he was deep in thought. I walked beside him for a moment, and when he hadn't noticed me for at least a few minutes, I cleared my thought to get his attention. He looked at me surprised. "When did you get here?"

 "A few minutes ago. I wanted to talk to you". He looked at me and asked "What did you need to talk to me about?". 

"It's about Nico". I saw pain flash through his eyes, but only for a moment before he asked worriedly "what, did you talk to Nico. Is he okay?" I decided to just go straight forward and tell him. "Nico thinks that when you kissed him, it was a prank." Percy tensed, then started to tear up. But before he could cry, he blinked and quietly said "I would never. Because I love Nico."

(Squeals) Eek fluff.

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