Chapter 13

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Thank you @FinlayHoughton for giving me the idea of using Annabeth as a POV

Disclaimer: the picture does not belong to me

Annabeth POV

After Percy broke up with me, not much happened. Piper and other friends would comfort me. But, I understood the other reason Percy broke up with me. Percy liked Nico, so he was either gay or bi. I felt a little better that it wasn't me personally, it was just his sexuality. The conch horn warned everybody it was dinner time, snapping me out of my thoughts. I headed over to Aphrodite's cabin to get Piper. Piper was the most helpful with the break up, and I was starting to feel different towards her. Not in a bad way, but in the way that I felt towards Percy. Where I could get butterflies in my stomach, or blush all the time around them.

Realizing I had been standing at the door step for way to long, I knocked on the door that was decorated with paints and glitter. (IDK, I feel like that's what Aphrodite kids would do). One of her brothers opened the door. He noticed it was me, so he called out for Piper. Soon Piper came out with a smile on her face, "Hey, Annie!" I blushed and smiled, Piper's smile always made me smile. The only thing was that Piper was straight, AND was dating Jason.

     When we got to the table, Jason and Leo were already there discussing something. 

     "Have you ever noticed that your name is like a girls name? I mean, I knew a girl once that's name is Grace." Jason rolled his eyes at Leo's comment, "My name is not a girls name". 

     Leo smirked, "Yeah it is, Grace". They kept on bickering about Jason's name, so I whispered to Piper sarcastically, "Why do you even like that, idiot?". Before she answered, I noticed that Percy and Nico were sitting down at the table on the other side of where we were.

     I didn't say hello to them, because Piper answered "I don't know, if I could I would date you". She laughed, and I knew it was a joke, but I couldn't help but feel my face heat up. Eventually, we finished our dinners, and started to ay our good byes. I waved to everybody, and Piper kissed Jason's cheek, while waving to Leo. I felt a pang of jealousy, but knew I couldn't do anything about it.

     Piper and I headed to the docks. We sat down, dangling our feet in the water. When I looked at her staring at the moon, I had the greatest urge to kiss her. Her eyes always were shifting colors, from blue to green to brown, then back again. And her hair was a soft brown color flowing freely down to her back. The moonlight seemed to have made a spotlight around her, making her kaleidoscope eyes twinkle, and somehow make her even more beautiful. And her lips looked so soft and full. She couldn't be more perfect and beautiful. But the smile on my face wore off, and a frown replaced it, when I thought about all the reasons Piper and I couldn't be together. 

     First off she was dating Jason. And secondly, she was straight. It made me so frustrated and jealous, to know all this. 

     "Annabeth, are you alright? You look kind of angry." I realized that I had been looking at Piper the entire time I was thinking. I blushed, "No. I'm fine, just thinking". Piper frowned, clearly not satisfied (anyone get the Hamilton reference?), but decided not to push it. Instead she sighed, "Isn't it beautiful out tonight?" I wanted to respond with 'Not as beautiful as you', but that would seem weird and probably would ruin our friendship. I just agreed and smiled softly at the moon. 

     We sat on the dock for about another 15 minutes, just talking, before deciding to go back to my cabin. I was pretty sure that my half siblings would either be studying, or with friends, so we would be alone. Once we got there, we flopped onto my bed. Piper looked at me "Can I talk to you about something?". I wasn't sure where this was going, so I just replied with, "sure, what do you need to talk about?". 

     Piper had a worried and nervous expression, "It's about Jason and I". I felt another spark of jealousy, "What? Did something happen between you two?". 

     "No, it's just... I feel different towards him...". 

     I was surprised to hear her answer, "what do you mean?!". Piper looked down, and I could see tears streaming down her face, "I think... I don't... love him... anymore". I scooted closer to her, and tried to comfort her. Once she stopped crying, I told her, "You know you have to tell him. It'll hurt him less if you tell him earlier on". She nodded, then started to cry again. I let her cry into my shoulder, and said sweet nothingness into her ear. 

     Later, we got up and I walked her to her to her cabin. I told her that I would talk to her the next day when we were rested and could talk about it more. When I walked away, I could feel a small ball of happiness, not that I didn't feel bad for Jason and Piper, but now I actually had a small chance with Piper. I quietly opened and closed the door, incase any of my brothers or sisters were back. I walked to my bed and laid in the sheets, my mind racing of the possibilities of what could happen tomorrow.

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