Chapter 7

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Percy's POV (This seems really repetitive)

    I pulled away from the kiss not knowing why I did that. I freaked out. Oh my gods, why did you do that. You just ruined your friendship with Nico, again! Oh my gods, oh my gods!!! "Oh my gods Nico, I don't know why I did..." And then, he pulled my shirt and put his cold lips on mine. His lips were plump and tasted like vanilla and a hint of death. I liked it. He pulled away and had that smirk that I always saw when he wasn't frowning. 

     "So what were you going to tell me?" he asked in a voice that just dripped of playful sarcasm. "Just that I liked you, but you know probably know that already." my tone matching his. I looked at him and smiled. I saw everything about him in a new light. His shaggy brown hair that now was in definite need of a hair cut, but blew in the wind like leaves the fall. His round pink lips that would be seen smiling once in awhile, but never when he saw me, before now. The way his dark brown eyes that would cut through your soul, looking for something to show him what you were thinking. I realized that I really was falling for the son of Hades...Hard.

Nico's POV

     Percy was staring at me with a smile on his lips. I was wondering what he was thinking. I looked at the son of Poseidon and I felt so much joy. His dark raven black hair, his green-blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean, and his warm lips that tasted of the sea, were now mine. At least I think he was. Then doubt and fear crowded my thoughts. Your so stupid to fall for that. This is all a trick. Someone's going to jump out and yell, GOTCHA!  Percy would never love you. Nobody would ever love you. All you are is that weird Hades kid that never talks to anybody and never shows any emotions. 

     I started to feel tears in my eyes. I remembered that I was still in the doorway of my cabin so I ran back in and locked the door. I didn't wait to see Percy's reaction. I knew it would be of disgust, because I fell for his stupid, stupid joke. I sat down and sobbed. Then I heard a banging on my door. I hear muffled shouts. Percy was screaming "Nico! Open the door! Did I do something wrong! Open the door, can't we talk about this!" No Percy, you didn't do anything wrong. You couldn't have. You're too perfect to have done anything. After I had stopped crying, I heard a voice. 

     I didn't  who it was so I screamed "GO AWAY!" Then I heard Jason saying "Nico. Are you in there? Open the door." I got up and opened the door. Jason was standing there with a worried expression. He stood there waiting to see if I had anything to say. I didn't. All he had to see were my red brimmed eyes to know something happened. He stepped forward and hugged me. I just stood there and cried into his chest. Why was love so cruel. Why couldn't the pain just stop, that was all I was asking for. That wasn't so much to wish, right?

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