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Nico POV

Time skip: 6 years

     As I walked up the aisle as I held onto my father's arm tightly(and yes Hades actually came), I felt tears in my eyes. Percy, my crush of  4 years, boyfriend of 5 years, and fiancé of 1 year, was standing at the alter, waiting for me to stand there with him and say 'I do'. I saw all our friends, who are now couples. Leo and Jason, Piper and Annabeth, and Hazel and Frank, were all smiling  and looking back at me. I also saw Persephone, Sally, Paul, and Poseidon, as well as other campers and gods and goddesses, they also all were smiling at my dad and I. All the sudden, I felt subconscious about myself, what if I messed up my vows, or tripped while walking right now. 

     But before I could think of worse scenarios, I felt my father stop walking. I shook the thought out of my head and stepped in front of Percy. I saw the sweet smile, that I fell for, and still am falling for, facing me. 

     As the priest finished his speech, he asked Percy, "Do take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

     Percy grinned, "I do". The priest repeated the same to me, "I do". Then the priest said it was time to say our vows. Oh gods, I'm going to mess this up.

     Thankfully, Percy went first, "Nico, my sweet little Neeks, I'll love you till the end of the world as we know it. And you and I and everybody at this ceremony knows that I'm horrible at speeches, so I'm going to make these vows short, but put all my heart into them. Here we go, when I started dating you, I felt like I was in the clouds, and I still feel that way. Every day with you was, and always will be the best days of my life. And I'm sorry that I didn't realize this sooner, but I love you with everything I have in me. And I'll always try to make you feel like the most special person in the world, even if you don't believe it. Because to me, you are the most special person in the universe. I love you, so much and I hope that we'll stay this way forever". 

     At the end of his small speech, I realized I was crying. I felt the tears spill onto my face like fast flowing rivers. Percy put his hand gently on my face, trying to dry the tears. I smiled up at him, "Dang, you really had to one up me, didn't you. I haven't said my speech, and it already seems like crap". 

     Percy laughed at that, "Aww, don't be sad, I'll still love you, even if your vows are bad". I glared at him, but couldn't hep a grin from creeping in.

     "As you all know, Percy just gave one of the most amazing speeches I could ever hear in my lifetime, so now I feel like crap for not being at the same level at him. But I'll try my best. Perseus Jackson, I love you so much. I've known you since I was 10, and back then, I hated you, because whenever I thought of Bianca, I thought about how you let her die. But then, as time went on, I realized that it wasn't that I hated you, but that I loved you. I tried telling myself that it wasn't true, but when I thought of you, I could feel butterflies in my stomach, and the back of my brain was telling me that I should go up to you and tell you that I couldn't live without you. I mean, if I hated you, I would have let you die on all those quests, but I didn't. Later, I kept going back and forth between camps, but never stayed in one place too long. After the war with Gaea, I stayed in Camp Half-Blood, and it hurt me to see you so out of reach. But one day, you came up to my cabin and kissed me. That's the moment that I knew that you, too, loved me. My insecurities, though, stayed and I tried to block you out. But I learned to face my fears, and then, somehow, I fell even more in  love with those eyes that sparkle like the ocean, and that raven black hair that always stayed a mess. We stayed boyfriends for 5 long years, and then, you asked me to marry you. I immediately said yes, because why wouldn't I. We have now known each other for about 10 years. And now standing at this alter, saying my vows, I want to say everything that I love about you. But there's not enough time in the world to do that. So I'll say these words with all my heart. Percy Jackson, I love everything about you, and always will".

     After my vows, everybody in the audience was at the least tearing up, and at the most, full on crying. I looked at Percy, and he had tears in his eyes. I smiled up at him, and resisted the urge to kiss him. I did the same as he did to me, and put my hand to his face, softly, and rubbed his cheek with my thumb.

    I barely heard the priest say, "You may now kiss the groom". 

     Finally, I grabbed Percy's face and softly put my lips to his. The kiss felt more amazing than every other kiss that we'd ever shared. Because, now we were now husbands. There were endless possibilities. Some were probably horrible. But I realized that I shouldn't think about those. I just had to live in the moment, and do what I said I'd do in my vows. Love everything about Percy Jackson till death do us part.

The End

Thank you guys for reading my first story. Sorry that it isn't longer. But there's this thing called writers block and it SUCKS! But the good news is that I'm coming out with another Percico fan fiction. I won't tell you what it's about, but if you guys could help me with ideas on how it should go, that would be great. BTW: Nico is 20 and Percy is 23 in this chapter. Also the next fanfic should come out maybe few days after this one is published. If I don't come out with it, it either means that I'm dead, or that I'm having a hard time ending the chapter. Whichever one would work for the reason. Anyways, KTHXBAI!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2017 ⏰

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