Chapter 9

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Percy's POV

     "I would never. Because I love Nico"

I don't know why, but those words just seemed so natural coming out of my mouth. I kept casually strolling along the water's edge, trying to figure out my emotions. I felt hurt that Nico would think that I would do that to him. But I also felt that butterfly sensation when I thought of Nico. Nico's perfect hair and lips could keep me awake for hours. Just me lying there, imagining what it would be like to kiss him again. I snapped out of my thoughts when Jason's very recognizable, and worried, voice cut through the silence.

     "So, you like Nico?" I stared at him for a moment, wondering if  I should tell him, and answered with a quiet, "Yes". He squealed. Like a freaking girl. I looked at him with a questioning and weirded out face. "Sorry, I just ship it so MUCH!!"

     "What? What the hell does 'ship' mean?" Jason had a look of excitement in his eyes, "Pipes told me about it. It's when you think that two people would be really cute together. Like you and Nico. EEEKKKK!!" I covered my ears so my ear drums wouldn't bust open. I swear, sometimes I wonder how Jason wasn't Aphrodite's son. "Anyway, why would Nico think that I was pranking him?" 

     Jason wouldn't make eye contact with me once I asked the question. I looked at him expectantly, wanting an answer. He finally responded with, "Nico'slikedyouforalongtimeandhedidn'twantyoutoknowaboutit" He spoke  so quickly, that I didn't hear half of the things he said. "What?" I asked. He took a deep breath and replied, "Nico's liked you for a long time, and he didn't want you to know about it." Jason exhaled, clearly out of breath from speaking so quickly. 

     My mind was going a thousand miles an hour, but yet, I couldn't think of anything to say. Ahh, Irony. First, I was over joyed, Nico liked me back! But then I was so confused, thats never happened before I know right, would Nico think that I'm that mean. That I would ever do that to anybody, let alone him. I had to let him know the truth. The one thing about being loyal, is that you always have to make everything you did wrong to your friends, right again.

     I said good bye to Jason, and then ran to the son of Hades' cabin. I reached the door out of breath, and knocked. "I'm fine Jason, now go away. I want to be alone." After presuming that the voice belonged to Nico, I hesitated for a moment. I knocked again, and waited at the door till the boy that clouded my thoughts every moment of the day, stood before me. He looked tired, and his eyes were red and puffy. That's not a good sign, I never want to see m- sorry, Nico crying because of me. 

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