Chapter 6

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By the way bold sentences are A/N. Anyway, thanks for reading and lets get to the story.

Nico's POV (again)

     "What do you want" I hissed. Percy Jackson stood at my door steps staring at me with confused look. I stood there glaring at him, trying to get him to leave me alone. "I wanted to tell you something really important" he eventually said. "What did you need to te...". 

     Before I could finish my sentence, Percy's warm lips were on mine. Percy Fvcking Jackson was kissing me. After the shock, I started to kiss him back. But Percy pulled away from the kiss far too soon for my liking. I stood there for a second processing what just happened. "Oh my gods Nico, I'm so sorry. I don't know why I did...". Halfway through his sentence, I grabbed his shirt and pulled his lips to mine once more. His lips tasted like the ocean, but were warm and velvety. A/N: I don't know if I spelled that right. Oh well. I pulled away with a small smirk playing on my lips.

Sorry for the short chapter. I will be coming out with a few more today because I have nothing else to do. I know, I have way too much free time. Give a like and a comment and I  might do requests for chapter plots ;).   Byeeeee!!!

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