Chapter 1

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CT-6782 struggled to watch the holofilm, he struggled to understand the emotion and relationship between the family it followed. Clones were taught how to connect with others, or the value of empathy, since day one they were taught to do one thing and that was to kill. Even though his earliest memories in the hatching tubes, he remembered the Kaminoans, the closest things to parents he had ever had telling the clones stories of war, and violence. During the clones short infancy stage they were trained to fight and to kill, trained to run farther, to hit harder, and think faster. But now those years were over, he was now a soldier in the clone wars, stationed at a small base on a miserable planet called Jabiim far from Kamino's stormy skies. CT-6782 hated Jabiim as much as any respectable strategist, Jabiim suffered from EMP storms and near constant severe storms. Meaning that air support and orbital support was often unavailable and reinforcements were sparse. The only reason the republic even wanted Jabiim was its rich mineral reserves. CT-6782 was about to head down to the cafe to see if he could get a bite to eat and perhaps find a decent card game, when suddenly an alarm sounded, which could only mean one thing, the time for pondering human emotion was over, it was time to get back to work. After all the republic wasn't paying him by the hour, He snatched up his helmet and slipped it over his head as he had done a thousand times before. He commed his squad over their helmet comm system and ordered them to meet near the front entrance, and to prepare for attack.

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